CDC Doti is a Provincial non-profit organization, NGO working for the social and economic empowerment of people under the vulnerable zone and community. It was established on 16/09/2049 B.S and has been serving since 30 years for the same cause for social empowerment, inclusive and quality access to education, Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Response. Over the period since its inception, CDC has had long experience working with government, international non-government agencies, community based organization in various sectors of social and economic development. In addition, CDC supports community capacity strengthening for rural development, community groups and people on advocacy development in various sectors. CDC believes in human potentials and strives to empower social well-being, community-led development, accountability to community, donors and stakeholders, government and non-government agencies. In this period CDC Doti has developed strong networking, professional relationship among various organizations, networks and structures in the district and province . CDC has hands-on experience on social development, capacity strengthening of local level government, community based organization in Nepal.
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