Expression of Interest (EOI) for Periodic Plan and Mid-term Expenditure Framework of Partner Rural Municipalities (PPMEF-RMs)

dZi Foundation

Details / requirements:

Expression of Interest (EOI) for Periodic Plan and Mid-term Expenditure Framework of Partner Rural Municipalities (PPMEF-RMs)

dZi Foundation:

dZi Foundation is a US-based non-profit organization working with rural communities in Nepal to achieve prosperity by eliminating barriers to basic needs, fostering opportunities for sustainable livelihoods, and building their capacity to catalyze transformational change. dZi adopts a new five-year strategic objective (2023- 2028) guided by past learning, adaptation to the emerging policy and development contexts, and an improved focus on partnership, local ownership, and sustainability beyond external investment. 

1)     Rationale:

Nepal aims to graduate to middle-income countries by 2026. In addition, the government also reviews the 15th Periodic Plan and gears up for the subsequent national policy framework for another five years. Furthermore, midway through the timeframe of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reveals a mix of progress in terms of development and growth ambitions of the country. The infancy of the federal governance system demands robust policy coherence and resource utilization not just at the national level but primarily at the subnational level given the role the latter plays in meeting the needs and aspirations of the citizens. However, the absence of a multi-year framework for establishing, steering, and pursuing progress against the set goals is a common phenomenon in most of the subnational governments. As a result, meeting national development objectives remains a core challenge for Nepal despite the steady increase in public expenditure. On the other hand, mounting public aspirations need to be prioritized and integrated into local policy and budgetary frameworks so that resource allocation and management produce tangible results. 

2)     Call for Consultancy 

dZi Foundation aims to support the selected rural municipalities in Koshi Province to formulate a periodic plan and mid-term expenditure framework (PPMEF). The EOI is to seek the service of Nepalese firms/organizations/individuals with proven expertise in formulating, reviewing, adapting, and rolling out PPMEF. 

3)     Specific objectives:

The main objective of this assignment is to improve the quality of overall planning, integration, and implementation of the public service delivery system meeting the needs of the most vulnerable communities in dZi-focused rural municipalities in Koshi Province. More specifically, the consultant is required to provide technical expertise, coordination, and quality assurance to three rural municipalities (Kepilasgadhi Rural Municipality and Aiselukharka Rural Municipality in Khotang district, and Mahakulung Rural Municipailty in Solukhumbu district) in Koshi Province to:

  • formulate, integrate, and roll out a five-year periodic plan. and
  • prepare a three-year mid-term expenditure framework. 

Both, the periodic plan and mid-term expenditure framework, are expected to set the mid-term goals of the selected rural municipalities in terms of realizing democratic values, development aspirations, and directions to adapt in line with the constitutional power sharing and subsequent legal obligations including the Local Government Operations Act, 2017. 

3)     Activities:

Under the contractual obligation of the dZi Foundation, direct and regular supervision and coordination of the respective rural municipalities, the consultant is expected to carry out the following key activities, but not limited to:

  • Formulate a detailed implementation plan (DIP), or inception report (IR), in close coordination with dZi Foundation and respective rural municipalities integrating methodologies, timelines, milestones, and procedures by complying with the applicable GON guidelines and standards and local governments’ feedback/input. 
  • Provide training, guidance, and support to different thematic, coordination, and direction committees to smooth the delivery of roles and responsibilities as agreed during the inception phase with the respective municipalities. 
  • Collect, compile, analyze, present, and finalize data/information from primary and secondary sources. 
  • Ensure that the process to formulate the periodic plan should be based on the government’s guidelines and standards set for the local level periodic plan in addition to local needs, and dZi’s strategic goals of shared prosperity. 
  • Align the MTEF with the periodic plan, budgetary trends and innovation, and local income and revenue potentials. 
  • Seek quality input/feedback from the respective units and leadership within municipalities, and Provincial Research and Training Center (PRTC) on the final draft version of the reports. Address the feedback and finalize the report.
  • Furthermore, develop a guiding document or outline in terms of integration approaches into the overall, sectoral, and annual policy, plan, and budget of the local government, as well as direct linkage with the service delivery mechanism, cross-agency collaboration, and multi-stakeholder engagement. 
  • Orient the municipal leaders, officials, and units on the Periodic Plan and MTEF including the key features, implementation modalities, and mechanisms with a focus on adopting the PP and MTEF as core guiding frameworks for inclusive governance and sustainable community development. 

4)     Deliverables

  1. Detailed Implementation Plan, or Inception Report, including methodologies, milestones, timeline, and measures for quality assurance and delivery. 
  2. Draft version of the 5-year Periodic Plan and Mid-term Expenditure Framework including all the details, data/information compiled, analyzed, and presented, and minutes of the sub/committees as outlined in the IR. 
  3. Final version of the 5-year Periodic Plan and Mid-term Expenditure Framework in Nepali language, with a summary in English, incorporating the feedback from RM, PRTC, and dZi. One for each local government. 
  4. Final Project Completion Report incorporating key steps followed, deliverables produced, challenges encountered, measures taken, lessons learned, and all information used to produce the key deliverables. 

5)     Duration of the Consultancy

The duration of the consultancy is approximately 90 (ninety) days between October 12, 2023, and January 22, 2024. Preference shall be given to those with a proven track record of completing the assignment within tight deadlines and without compromising the quality of deliverables. 

6)     Minimum Qualification of the Consultant/s

  • Should have successfully completed at least 5 (five) assignments of a similar nature. 
  • Should possess in-house capabilities and resources to carry out the assignment. 
  • Should possess in-depth knowledge of operations, policies, and procedures required to formulate, integrate, and roll out periodic plan and mid-term expenditure framework of local government. 
  • Familiarity with GON’s regulations and national best practices in relation to government and development policy frameworks and delivery mechanisms. 
  • Analytical skills, sound interpersonal communication, political sensitivity, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, and presentation skills.
  • Others relevant to efficiently carry out the deliverables, listed above. 

7)     Evaluation Factors

  1. Technical approach (40 points) – understanding of the approach and proposed methodologies to carry out the assignment in line with the described activities and deliverables.
  2. Professional experience of the team (20 points) – educational and professional credentials of the team to be engaged in the assignment.
  3. Experience of the firm/organization (10 points) – proven experience of the firm/organization in carrying out similar assignments in the past, client’s satisfaction, and physical and human resources to ensure smooth delivery of the assignment.
  4. Costing (30 points) – cost-effectiveness, relevancy, and alignment of the estimated cost with technical deliverables, as outlined in the EOI and in the proposal. 

8)     Submission of EOI

Interested Nepali citizens/firms/organizations meeting the above qualifications can submit their EOI with (1) a cover page, (2) a brief technical and financial proposal, not more than 5 pages, (3) an updated CV of the consultant/s including PAN/VAT certificate, (4) evidence of similar assignment, at least 5, and (5) company profile with tax clearance and certificate, if applicable. Any question/s in relation to the EOI must be submitted by October 2, 2023, to Please submit your EOI and required documents electronically to by/before October 8, 2023, with EOI for PPMEF-RMs in the subject line. Please ensure that the attachment should not be larger than 20 MB. Telephone inquiries shall not be entertained. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for further process. dZi will make one or more awards to carry out the whole or part of the assignment as deemed necessary. 

dZi reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever.


Category Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 15 Sep, 2023
Apply Before 08 Oct, 2023
City Lalitpur