Company Info

Community Family Welfare Association (CFWA) was established in 1996 AD (BS 2053) in Nagarayan Municipality ward no 7, Deodiha, Dhanusha district Nepal. Initially, it was established as a community based organization (CBO) with technical and managerial support of family planning Association of Nepal under its long-term sustainable plan to continue family planning services at the community level. Later on, it was registered at the District administrative office as non-government and non- profit making organization in 27 June 1997 (13 Ashar 2053 BS) in Dhanusha district. Now CFWA has two field offices in Mahottari and Dhanusha districts working in Education, Health, Child Poverty, Child Protection, Gender and Social Inclusion and Social Protection.CFWA is a leading organization of the Madhesh Province and it has aimed to be well known civil society organization in the Nepal.

Current Open Positions at Community Family Welfare Association (CFWA), Dhanusha/Mahottari

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