Terms of Reference for Research on Inclusive Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Details / requirements:
Terms of Reference
Research on Inclusive Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2) partnership was created so that young people in all their diversity enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in gender-just societies. Young people are at the forefront of our partnership. We seek to unleash the power of youth, to increase public support for SRHR, to improve policies and laws, and to strengthen civil society. Lobbying and advocacy is our main strategy, supported by mutual capacity strengthening.
Our partnership comes at a critical time when SRHR as well as gender justice are under pressure around the world, and young people’s needs consistently go unmet. We do not shy away from taboo subjects such as comprehensive sexuality education and safe abortion, and advocate for the rights of marginalized groups such as girls, young women, and young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people. We focus on these issues and groups because, based on our collective track records, we can, and because few other consortia and organizations do.
The Nepal coalition consists of diverse organization representing youth led organization, women feminist network organization, organization led by people with disabilities and LGBTIQA organization. The coalition envisions to ensure young people aged 15-30 in their diversity are empowered to exercise all aspects of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in a supportive social and enabling legal environment in Nepal.
The RHRN2 coalition in Nepal, consists of six civil society organizations,
- Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC)
- Blue Diamond Society (BDS)
- Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN)
- Center for Karnali Rural Promotion and Society Development (CDS PARK)
- Youth Alliance for Development (YARD)
- YUWA – Country Lead
RHRN2 Nepal is looking for a research consultant to conduct an inclusive CSE research which aims to provide insights on the status and gaps in CSE among young people (15-29years) living with disability and out-of-school children including their access, knowledge, issues and their effects. It also seeks to explore ongoing CSE programmes and assess their level of inclusivity and effectiveness.
YUWA is looking for qualified researchers or consultants (individuals, universities, or organizations) to undertake this operational research. This ToR/RFP entails the scope of this assignment. For any inquiries or submission of your expression of interest, please contact us at application@yuwanepal.org before May 30, 2024. Please refer to the list of documents required for submission.
Nepal has identified adolescents and youth as a vulnerable and under-served population group requiring specific services and information to address their concerns, problems, and needs. Thus, Nepal has shown commitment towards adolescents and young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights by endorsing the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, Program of Action (PoA), Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA) in 1995, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015.
Nepal has included some components of CSE in the school curricula. According to the UNESCO definition (International technical guidance on sexuality education (ITGSE), unaids.org), comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning, in both formal and informal settings, about the cognitive, emotional, physical and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will empower them to: realize their health, well-being and dignity; develop respectful social and sexual relationships; consider how their choices affect their own well-being and that of others; and understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives. However, the content in the curricula does not cover all the components of CSE and its implementation or delivery of CSE has been challenging. Besides, no CSE programs have been initiated for other vulnerable groups like out-of-school children and young people with disabilities.
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of young people living with disability has been considered as a taboo, disregarding their right to SRHR information and services. There is also a lack of interest in research and evidence on the status of CSE for out of school young people and young people with disabilities. These further challenges the programs to design targeted interventions regarding inclusive CSE. Since Right Here Right Now 2 Nepal coalition has been committed to ensure inclusive CSE in Nepal, the findings from this research will help coalition on identifying concrete needs, realities and requirements of young people living with disability and out of school young people regarding sexuality education.
The research findings will be used to identify and disseminate best practices, along with practical recommendations for implementing inclusive CSE in Nepal. Moreover, the research outcomes will be linked to the RHRN2 Theory of Change, and its long term outcomes: empowered young people in all their diversity make decisions about their sexuality, voice their needs and claim their rights (Long Term Outcome (LTO) 1); a critical mass reinforces positive norms and values regarding young people's SRHR and gender justice (LTO2); governments adopt, implement and account for human rights-based policies and laws that enable young people's SRHR and gender justice (LTO3); These outcomes will have an impact on RHRN2's goal that young people in all their diversity enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights in gender-just societies.
The objective of this assignment is to conduct a research study that will focus on the status of CSE among young people (15-29years) living with disability and out of school young people. The study wants to gain insights into the realities of the daily lives of these young people, including their access to SRHR information and services, knowledge on SRHR matters, SRHR issues they are facing, and the effects on different aspects of their life. This study also aims to find the status and gaps in CSE delivery for these groups of young people. This could also include young people's experiences and learnings on CSE delivery. The research will aim to gather actionable recommendations based on the findings. This research will go beyond our program and could establish as a reference document for future programs and strategies for other CSOs in Nepal.
The research will focus on two broad questions as follows:
- What CSE initiatives are in place for young people with disability and out of school children and what are their challenges in accessing inclusive SRHR information and education initiatives in Nepal?
- What are the realities that young people living with a disability and out-of-school children in Nepal are facing in their interpersonal, intimate and sexual relationships that should be reflected in their CSE lessons?
- What are best practices and practical recommendations for implementing inclusive CSE activities for young people with disabilities and out-of-school youth in the Nepali context?
The research will be conducted in 4 provinces (Koshi, Bagamati, Karnali and FarWest) and at least 4 rural/municipalities where the program has been implemented and among all forms of disability including visual, hearing, intellectual/autism and physical.
Suggested Methodology
The research will be a mixed-method study including both quantitative and qualitative methods. The consultant is expected to carry out desk reviews and interviews and focus group discussions. The following methods are to be followed:
- Desk Research – study of relevant policy documents, modules, materials, best practices, study reports etc. from Nepal and global knowledge arena.
- Key Informant Interviews with young people with disabilities, out of schools youths, Government, UN bodies, etc.
- Participatory Focus groups – with young people with different forms of disability with variations, out of school young people, teachers, parents, caretakers, trainers, RHRN2 coalition members, government officials, UN bodies, teacher training institutes, disability rights networks, and academia.
- To lead the research proposal writing process and coordinate with NHRC for ethical approval.
- The researcher will also coordinate with global consortium partner Rutgers and align with the global inclusive CSE research trajectory led by Rutgers.
- An inception report with the results of the desk research, including an overview of documents consulted; a first draft of the final report structure; new relevant questions that need answering; a list of planned information gathering and validation activities with the Nepal RHRN Coalition and methods and draft tools.
- A final report including a 2-page executive summary with practical suggestions for integrated steps for the RHRN Nepal Coalition within the ToC framework of RHRN2.
- A slide deck with main insights, report highlights and recommendations.
All the deliverables are expected within 5 - 6 months after the assignment begins.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Consultant will be responsible for the planning, coordination and production of the deliverables, contacting national and local partners and informants, contracting support, if required, and carry out the necessary interviews and/or focus group discussions, undertaking site visits, if required and possible.
The Consultant will be responsible for sharing work in progress with YUWA, BYAN and BBC; and will set up regular meetings to discuss progress.
YUWA will coordinate with consultants for recruiting study participants. YUWA will supervise the work in progress, to ensure that it is in line with expectations. YUWA will review interim drafts of the deliverables and will provide feedback and comments up to its final approval.
Applicant requirements
- Advanced university degree in social sciences, development studies, public health or another relevant field.
- At least five years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research in sensitive issues like sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people
- Technical knowledge of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
- Sound knowledge and understanding about different learning needs of children and young people with disabilities
- Previous experience in working with diverse young people in a participatory and engaging way.
- Ready and open to share our values on SRHR, Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation, and Inclusiveness
- Language skills: Nepali and English
- Ability to travel for in person interviews or other data gathering
- Availability to start in End of June 2024
Interested candidates (individual or firm) meeting the above-mentioned requirements are requested to apply by sending the following documents with subject “Application for Inclusive CSE Research Consultant” to application@yuwanepal.org by May 31, 2024:
- CV
- Cover letter
- Technical and Financial Proposal
- Sample research reports and references (Links, documents)
- Company Profile ( Applicable for firms only)
- Company Registration ( Applicable for firms only)
- Tax clearance certificate
Note: RHRN Nepal Coalition reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and is not bound to accept the lowest priced proposal.
Category | Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid |
Openings | 1 |
Position Type | Contract |
Experience | Please check details |
Education | Please check details |
Posted Date | 21 May, 2024 |
Apply Before | 31 May, 2024 |
City | Kathmandu |