Terms of Reference


Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference

Feasibility Study for the project proposal

WASH systems strengthening and behaviour change in the hilly region of Makwanpur

district, Nepal

1.  Introduction of Welthungerhilfe

Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is one of Germany’s leading non-governmental organizations with a dual mandate in both development cooperation and emergency response. WHH works to create a world in which all people can exercise their right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty. To bring justice for all, WHH partners with the civil society organizations in the countries where it operates, and currently the agency is partnering with over 100 local partners from 36 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America (www.welthungerhilfe.de).

WHH has been operational in Nepal since 2012, and currently managing different project in eleven districts under four program thematic areas (sectors): food and nutrition security, WASH, right to food and empowerment, and disaster risk reduction. WHH works hand in hand with civil society in Nepal to empower socially marginalized and economically poor citizens to reinforce their resilience and to ensure their right to adequate food and nutrition.

2.  Background of the proposed project

In 2015, Nepal joined the list of countries who have explicitly recognized the right to water and sanitation in its Constitution with the article 35(4): “Every citizen shall have the right of access to clean drinking water and sanitation”. Yet, the Nepal government mandate to develop and implement area-wide WASH plans before 2030 falls short due to lack of technical expertise and gap in resources. As result, vulnerable and marginalized communities, such as Chepang and Dalit groups living in the hills, have not equitable access to safe and sustainable drinking water and sanitation services due to poor and limited basic water services, lack of sanitation facilities, insufficient awareness and inadequate hygiene practices, poor operation, and maintenance of WASH facilities, etc. Overall, the inadequate access to drinking water and WASH services has a negative impact on the health and nutrition status of these communities.

The proposed project targets two rural municipalities (Raksirang and Kailash) of Makwanpur district, which are geographically remote and are inhabited by the indigenous Chepang community. The living conditions in this area are characterized by high poverty; the livelihood mostly depend on subsistence farming and daily wage labour. Overall, food security and diet diversity are insufficient, resulting in the poor nutritional status of under five children. Further, the target communities have no sustainable and equitable access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities. Schools and healthcare centers are lacking adequate and user-friendly WASH facilities, and menstrual hygiene management is still a taboo.

To address these issues, the project aims to improve the health and nutritional status of marginalized communities through strengthened WASH systems and behaviour change.

Project title: WASH systems strengthening and behaviour change in the hilly region of Makwanpur district in Nepa

Submission of proposals

The interested and qualified consultant/consulting firm must apply by 17:00 hours (COB) dated 03 December 2021 via email address given below (subject of the email “Feasibility Study Makwanpur”) Email: procurement.nepal@welthungerhilfe.de.

The proposal should include the following documents:

  • Letter of expression of interest (EoI) signed by the main applicant
  • Detailed technical proposal including methodology (methods of data collection, analysis, samples of experience/studies of similar nature, etc.), composition of the feasibility study team and their roles (this should include detailed information about capacity of the team/person to carry out the objectives of the consultancy, clear description of role and responsibilities within the team, expected time dedicated to the assignment).
  • Implementation Plan following the attached format (Annex 1)
  • Detailed financial proposal that must include an estimate of all staff costs (calculated for fees based on number of consultancy days) as well as direct costs related to the consultancy including travel, hotel, etc. (Annex 2).
  • Firm profile detailing the past assignments (at least two feasibility report as a sample copy)
  • Detailed curriculum vitae of the consultant and of all team members, if any, highlighting their areas of work and experience
  • Company registration certificate
  • Latest tax clearance certificate
  • VAT registration certificate (for both firms and individual consultants).

Please click here to download the detailed Terms of Reference or by following the link below;


If you have any question(s) on TOR, please write your queries at procurement.nepal@welthungerhilfe.de by COB 25 November 2021. Any queries received after 25 November will not be considered.

Please note that the selected consultant/consulting firm should adhere with WHH SOP for development project in the context of COVID-19 and government protocols regarding COVID-19 prevention. The field plan may differ considering the current COVID-19 scenario.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further evaluation process. Welthungerhilfe Nepal reserves all the rights to reject any or all application without assigning any reasons.


Category Development and Project
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 19 Nov, 2021
Apply Before 03 Dec, 2021
City Lalitpur