Short Term Consultant Services: Horticulture Specialist

Winrock International (Feed the Future Nepal USAID Agricultural Inputs)

Details / requirements:



Terms of Reference 

Short Term Horticulture Specialist


Feed the Future Nepal USAID Agricultural Inputs (“USAID Agricultural Inputs”) is a five-year USAID-funded Feed the Future (FTF) activity that aims to increase the availability, accessibility, and use of agricultural inputs and technology to improve Nepal’s agricultural productivity. The activity is implemented by Winrock International in collaboration with the Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy, Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED), and four other Nepali and international partners.

USAID Agricultural Inputs will enable lead firms, agrovets, input suppliers, local machinery service providers, and Government of Nepal (GON) change agents and farmers to increase productivity, input supply chain efficiency, market system competitiveness, and strengthen the enabling environment in a way that equitably addresses the needs of women, youth, and members of marginalized groups. USAID Agricultural Inputs will benefit 200,000 farmers in the USAID FTF zone of influence.


The STTA will provide technical expertise and backstopping to the field and central team to strengthen the vegetable market system. The Horticulture Expert will provide specialized expertise in horticultural practices, capacity building, policy recommendations, develop business models and pilots aimed at improving horticultural productivity and sustainability. 

  • Enhance agricultural productivity- improve vegetable production and productivity through the identification of high-yielding, climate-resilient varieties, and the development of effective input bundles and farming practices, boosting productivity and farmers' incomes.
  • Strengthen collaboration and partnerships- build and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, including government agencies, research institutions, private sector players, and development partners, fostering coordinated efforts to address challenges in the vegetable subsector.
  • Drive technical innovation and knowledge transfer: promote the adoption of innovative technologies and innovations, while building the capacity of local teams and stakeholders in modern farming practices to enhance vegetable production systems.


1. Technical 

  • Prepare a vegetable production plan for each economic growth center based on local and regional market opportunities, seasonal price trend, import and competitive scenario. The plan should give the best option to the farmers that fetch better prices and profits.
  • Identify suitable high yielding, climate resilient and market demanded varieties for commercial farming.
  • Identify potential private sector and technologies to improve vegetable yield to increase farmers’ incomes and resilience.
  • Develop input bundles of seed, irrigation, fertilizer, and mechanization for key horticulture commodities. Build the team and partners capacity on innovative technologies and emerging products focused on boosting the productivity of vegetables.
  • Provide support to Market development director to develop appropriate business model in vegetable sub-sector
  • Develop technical and monitoring guidelines for the establishment of vegetable large demonstration plots with appropriate crop varieties and inputs.
  • Identify potential digital intervention in strengthening vegetable sub-sectors

2. Co-ordination and collaboration with key stakeholders

  • Collaborate with government agencies (federal, provincial, and local levels), Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), the Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP), Agriculture Knowledge Centers (AKCs), Municipalities as well as other development partners and private sector entities, to co-create solutions to strengthen the vegetable sub sector. 
  • Catalyze policy and regulatory reforms to improve the market system for vegetable sub sector engaging government agencies, such as MOALD, PAMs, municipalities, Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC), SQCC etc.
  • Coordinate with other key stakeholders to gather best practices, align strategies and, where projects overlap, to implement complementary activities.

3. Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Track the progress of demonstrations, collecting data on yield, input efficiency, and feedback from implementing partners.
  • Evaluate the success of demonstration activities and identify areas for improvement.
  • Document lessons learned and replicated among stakeholders.


DeliverablesPayment Schedule

Deliverable No. 1: Submit inception report consisting of:

  • Scope of seasonal and off-season vegetable production in ZOI and its systemic constraints
  • Private sectors, innovative technologies, and their bundles for key vegetable commodities
  • Training plan and methodology for internal staff and private sector 
  • Monitoring and evaluation plan

Deliverable No. 2: Submit collaboration and engagement plan highlighting:

  • Key actors to be engaged and issues to be addressed.
  • Engagement strategy and approach

Deliverable No. 3: Draft report for comments and feedback consisting of the following: 

  • List of key private sectors, technologies, input bundles and its performance in the field.
  • Training reports along with learnings and feedback from participants.
  • Detailed technical and monitoring guidelines for large plot demonstrations.
  • Event report from key stakeholder engagement and learnings 
  • Business models to be implemented in the field.
Deliverable No. 4: Submit final report after incorporating feedback25%


This assignment will initially be for 100 working days over a period of 12 months and may be extended after assessing the nature of the tasks and upon mutual agreement. The anticipated start date of this assignment is January 2025.


This assignment can be undertaken in Central or Regional or Cluster offices and will require travel to USAID Agricultural Inputs working districts.  All costs related to travel to the working district(s) will be managed by USAID Agricultural Inputs in accordance with the organization’s policies.

The assignment can be based in Kathmandu, Chitwan, Dhangadhi or Nepalgunj, with field visits to USAID Agricultural Inputs’ Zone of Influence (ZOI). 


The Consultant will work under the direction and report to the USAID Agricultural Input’s Seed Specialist.


Education: Master’s degree in agriculture with Major in Horticulture and equivalent experience in the relevant field required. 

Required Experience & Skills:

  • At least 10 years of experience in vegetable production, vegetable seed production, vegetable collection, research on vegetable crops and marketing 
  • Strong knowledge of vegetable crop varieties, climate-resilient practices, and sustainable farming techniques.
  • Excellent communication and people skills with the ability to engage diverse stakeholders.
  • Proficiency in data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Fluency in Nepali and English.
  • Solid understanding of Nepali agricultural market systems.


The selection of the consultant will be made based on the applicant’s academic qualifications and relevant experience.


Interested consultant should submit:  

  • Letter of Interest.  
  • Detailed CV including a summary of experience aligning with requirements mentioned in the TOR.  
  • Proposed Gross daily rate. The selected consultant shall submit a copy of contract/ agreement, or other proof of two latest assignments verifying the proposed daily rate upon selection. 
  • PAN registration certificate (copy of VAT certificate is must if the total consultancy value exceeds or equal to NRs. 500,000). Note - Tax will be deducted at source as per Nepal government tax rule and regulation. 
  • Any other relevant document(s)
Submission date and application process

All applications must be submitted no later than January 27, 2025

Applications must be submitted electronically at Applications should reference Horticulture Expert in the subject line.  Applications received after the stipulated date will not be entertained.

DISCLAIMER: Issuance of this notice does not obligate USAID Agricultural Inputs to award a consultancy service, nor will pay any costs associated with the preparation or submission of application. Furthermore, USAID Agricultural Inputs reserves the right to reject any and all applications, if such an action is considered to be in the best interest of the project.


Category Development and Project, Agriculture / Horticulture, Development / INGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 07 Jan, 2025
Apply Before 27 Jan, 2025
City Kathmandu