Consultant for data tracking of health items/equipment and health kits

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 191-member National Societies (NSs). The overall aim of IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by NSs with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” IFRC works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises. IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement), together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. IFRC is led by its Secretary General, and has its Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Headquarters are organized into three main Divisions: (i) National Society Development and Operations Coordination; (ii) Global Relations, Humanitarian Diplomacy and Digitalization; and (iii) Management Policy, Strategy and Corporate Services. IFRC has five regional offices in Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and the Americas. IFRC also has country cluster delegations and country delegations throughout the world. Together, the Geneva Headquarters and the field structure (regional, cluster and country) comprise the IFRC Secretariat.

Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference

COVID-19 Response and Preparedness

Consultant for data tracking of health items/equipment and health kits

1.  Summary

1.1.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to collect primary data on the health items/equipment and health kits handed over to Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Nepal Country Delegation (CD). In the end of the consultancy, the consultant will provide a narrative report with proper data analysis, data visualization and key annexes1.

1.2.  Audience: The findings and recommendations of this study will be useful for the NRCS, IFRC CD in Nepal, the IFRC Regional Office in Kuala Lumpur, the IFRC secretariat in Geneva, the National Societies supporting NRCS in COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Operation.

1.3.  Commissioner: This consultancy will be commissioned by the Head of IFRC Nepal Country Delegation.

1.4.  Report to: The consultant will report to the study management team overseen by the Programme Coordinator, IFRC Nepal Country Delegation.

1.5.  Duration of consultancy: 25 working days

1.6.  Estimated dates of consultancy: From 1 January to 28 February 2021

1.7.  Location of consultancy: NRCS National Headquarters and IFRC Nepal Country Delegation, with field visits to the districts where the operation is being implemented by NRCS with the financial and technical support from the IFRC and its members.

1.8.  Consultant team composition: The team will consist of an independent consultant with skill on data collection, data analysis, data visualization and reporting. The consultant will work closely with the IFRC team (Programme Coordination, Senior Health Programme Officer and Senior PMER and Communication Officer) and with the COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Operation team in NRCS of the Health Department, PMER Focal from the PMER-IM Division and other Departments of NRCS as required.

1.9.  Methodology summary: Primary data collection of the medical item/equipment, heath kits, PPEs and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over to NRCS by the IFRC as part of COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Operation since January 2020. During the process, the consultation will conduct primary data collection, review literatures as required, conduct interaction with stakeholders, internal discussion with the IFRC and NRCS COVID-19 Operation team etc.

2.  Background:

The first case of COVID-19 infection was detected in Nepal in January 2020. Since then, Nepal has witnessed two deadly waves of COVID-19 infection; first in between August to November 2020 with daily positive cases reaching nearly 4,000 a day. The second wave of COVID-19 infection started in February 2021 and reached the peak in May 2021 and started subsiding afterwards. During the second wave of COVID-19 infection, the daily positive case reached up to almost 9,000 a day in May 2021. In the meantime, the death cases in second wave reached to almost 200 deaths a day in May 2021 as provided in the figures below.


As of 11 December 2021, 919,750 people have tested positive for COVID-19 infection, out of which 806,544 people have recovered and 11,553 people have lost their life due the COVID-19 related complications.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in the Country, Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) has been implementing COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Operation through the support from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and its membership. Initially the support was focused on five key service areas: Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Risk Communication (RC) and Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) and Shelter as the need was more focused on quarantine and isolation centre management among others. However, with the changing context, NRCS is conducting various activities as part of COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Operation focusing on: i) International Procurement of medical supplies (including oxygen) and personal protective equipment (PPEs), ii) Engagement at point of entries, iii) Essential services of the NRCS, iv) support to vaccination campaigns, v) Support to isolation centres, vi) Contact tracing and follow-up, vii) Socio-economic impacts, viii) RCCE.

The IFRC and its network have handed over medical items such as ventilator and its accessories, oxygen cylinder and accessories, oximeters, thermal gun, oxygen concentrators etc. to Nepal Red Cross Society in between January to December 2021. The handed over medical equipment/items were further handed over either to the Ministry of Health and Population or to the various District Chapters to reach the last mile of concerned health authorities or facilities.

3.  Purpose and scope of the Study:

3.  1. Purpose 

The purpose of the assignment is to collect primary data related to the medical items and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over to NRCS from January to December 2021. Within the given time frame, the consultant will conduct data collection, analyse the data and produce a narrative report that includes data visualization. In addition, the reports include annexes on lists of 1.  medical items and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over to NRCS NHQ from IFRC including dates, 2. Medical items and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over from NRCS NHQ to the Ministry of Health and Populations including dates, 3. Medical items and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over from NRCS NHQ to concerned district chapters/district health authorise including dates and 4. Medical items and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over from NRCS District Chapters to Sub-Chapter and/or local health facilities, 5. Copies of hand-over certificate/photos, etc.

3.2.  Scope

The time period - The data collection and reporting will be carried out between January and February 2022. During this period, the consultant/s will look existing distribution lists with the IFRC logistic team and NRCS logistic team, COVID-19 Operation team of NRCS including the Operation Coordinator, PMER. Apart from this, in coordination with the NRCS PMER-IM division will have the access to the 5-W data set for the triangulation of the data.

The geographical coverage The consultant will conduct field visits to the district as required in coordination with the IFRC Nepal Delegation and NRCS COVID-19 operation team.

The unit of analysis to be assessed – This will cover NRCS headquarters, District Chapter and Sub-Chapter, IFRC Nepal Country Delegation.

4.  Study objectives

Below are the specific objectives to be addressed in this study. These are initial guidance and can be further elaborated.

4.1.  To collect distribution data (that includes handover certificate/photos and other required list) of the medical items/equipment and other commodities related to COVID-19 response handed over to NRCS by the IFRC Nepal Country Delegation as part of the support to COVID-19 Preparedness Response Operation from January 2021. The consultant will work closely with the IFRC Nepal Country Delegation team and NRCS Health department and other concerned Department as required.

4.2.  To conduct data analysis with key data visualization based upon the primary data collected based upon the distribution for the medical items/equipment other commodities related to COVID-19 response by NRCS to the Government of Nepal or to the District Chapters.

4.3.  To systematically compile all document and annexes including distribution lists, handover certificate/photos, etc.

4.4.  To generate report based upon the primary data collected that included annexes as mentioned in the purpose section of page number 2 of this terms of reference.

5.  Study methodology and process

It is expected that the applicant to propose an approach and methodology for the study. The specific study methodology will be detailed out in close consultation between the consultant and a study management team and the Commissioner, but will draw upon the following primary methods:

  1. Desktop review of background documents, available distribution lists in the IFRC Nepal CD and with the NRCS and other strategic document of the Government of Nepal and NRCS as required.
  2. Primary data collection: Collection of distribution data from NRCS NHQ, District Chapter, Sub-Chapter etc. with the support from NRCS PMER COVID-19 focal.
  3. Field visits/observations as appropriate
  4. Key informant interviews (institutional and beneficiaries as appropriate).
  5. Focus group discussions, (institutional and beneficiaries) as appropriate.

The detailed study design will be defined by the consultant; however, the following should be considered:

  • Data collection methods and pace are to be decided by the consultant, in consultation with the NRCS and IFRC Country Delegation focal person(s). Microsoft Excel or SPSS software will be used for data collection and analysis.
  • Data analysis and visualization method are to be decided with the consultant in coordination study management team.
  • The consultant should visit district chapters, sub-chapter as required where the health items/equipment and other commodities related to COVID-19 response have been handed over/stored by NRCS NHQ.

6.  Study deliverables (or outputs)

6.1.  Initial findings/feedback meetings: The consultant will share its initial findings of the mapping with NRCS and IFRC.

6.2.  Draft report: A draft report identifying key findings based on primary data based upon the distribution list of health items/equipment and health kits.

6.3.  Final report: The final report will contain a short executive summary (no more than 500 words) and a main body of the report (no more than 7,000 words) covering the background of the intervention reviewed, a description of the review methods and limitations, findings, conclusions, and clear recommendations to NRCS in managing the Distribution of health items/equipment and health kits for the future reference. Also, the report should include annexed mentioned in the purpose section of this ToR in page number 2. The report should also contain appropriate appendices, including copy of the ToR, cited resources, a list of those interviewed (as appropriate) and any other relevant materials.

The findings and all products arising from this study will be jointly owned by the Nepal Red Cross Society and IFRC. The consultant will not be allowed, without prior authorization in writing, to present any of the analytical results as his / her own work or to make use of the review results for private publication purposes.

The original content, data set, pictures etc. should be submitted to IFRC to ensure scientific accountability and data protection of the study.

7.  Proposed duration of the study:

The study is expected to be completed within maximum of 25 paid working days including submission of the final report with key annexes. The study will commence from early January with the following schedule and deliverables:

Paid working days
Briefing and meeting with the consultant with IFRC and NRCS team
12 January 2022
Finalizing data collection template and
13 January 2022
Primary data collection related to the distribution of the medical items/equipment and health kits. Interview with the NRCS key Department, District Chapter and Sub-Chapter as required.
14-25 January 2022
Data analysis and drafting of the report
26 January to 04 February 2022
Presentation of the initial findings,with key annexes
1Presentation of initial findings07 February 2022
Prepare and submit draft report
5Draft final report8 to 14 February 2022
Review of the draft report by NRCS and IFRC with clarification, corrections, changes on the draft report

15-22 February 2022
Revise and submit the final report with annexes addressing feedbacks with  revision  in  report  where appropriate
2Final report23-24 February 2022
Final report approves by the commissioner

27 February 2022
Total days

8.  Study Management Team:

The Study Management Team will consist of four members: 2 members from NRCS (COVID-19 Operation Coordinator and PMER focal) and 2 members from IFRC Nepal CD (Senior Health Programme Officer and Senior PMER and Communication Officer) and overseen by the Programme Coordinator of the IFRC Nepal CD. It will be led by the IFRC (Senior Health Programme Office) in order to manage the study and with the consultant, ensure that it upholds the IFRC Framework for evaluations. It will be responsible for overseeing logistic and contractual arrangement of the evaluation, managing and delegating responsibilities, securing approval of the key deliverables according to the study contract/time frame and ensuring adequate quality control throughout the process. The consultancy management team will be contact focal for the consultant in order to make necessary arrangements for field visits (as required) and other processes. The consultant will coordinate directly with the RMT and IFRC Country Delegation.

9.  Qualifications

The consultant/s must have extensive experience of research including primary data collection, analysis, visualization and reporting.

Selection of the consultant will be based on the qualifications outlined below:

  • Demonstrable experience in leading and managing quantitative and qualitative research specifically in health.
  • Knowledge and experience working for the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to clearly synthesize and present findings, draw practical conclusions, make recommendations and to prepare well-written reports in a timely manner.
  • Proven track record of conducting qualitative research/assessment/study including the development of interview schedules and qualitative data as well quantitative data analysis, especially in development context.
  • Demonstrated capacity to work both independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent writing skills in English and Nepali languages
  • Immediate availability for the period indicated.

10.  Ethical consideration:

It is also expected that the consultant will respect the seven Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent: 1) humanity, 2) impartiality, 3) neutrality, 4) independence, 5) voluntary service, 6) unity, and 7) universality. Further information can be obtained about these Principles at:

The following ethical considerations will be observed throughout planning and execution of the evaluation and during documentation and presentation of the findings:

  • The process at any point will ensure ‘Do No Harm’ principle. This will not only relate to physical consideration but also emotional and contextual considerations that might affect the well-being or social position of the participating individuals.
  • Information at all levels will be confidential in nature and the analysis will be done based on blinding of the characters and context; as much as possible.
  • Each person involved and the participating stakeholders will be completely briefed about the purpose of the process and the expected end products, with all the mediums to be used for documentation and presentation of the same.
  • Any photograph and contextual information (name, household information, history, locality name, municipality, ward name etc.) will only be published if all the participating members endorse the process and allow publication of the same in totality.
  • Any health or social status of the interviewed individuals will not be revealed with his/ her real name on it and without consent.
  • The data and information collected will be triangulated in totality before publishing and the same will be done for all the secondary information received.
  • In case of the case study and monographs, the consultant will use caution to present the cases with dignity and without any personal judgment and bias.
  • The findings, case studies, photographs, process highlights, and recommendations will be shared with the NRCS and IFRC Nepal CD at Kathmandu, before finalizing the document for publication.
  • The consultant will not have any personal and patent rights over the raw and refined data and the end-product of this process.
  • In case the author wishes to use the unpublished datasets or information, from this assessment; (s)he/they must seek principal approval from IFRC.
  • The consultant is not authorized to promise a service or provide solution for any expressed problems. Though (s)he may document the same and make it available to the NRCS and IFRC.
  • Complete orientation of the government laws and policies will be pivotal and at any point the consultant must respect and adhere to the local laws and policies.

11.  Application process:

Interested applicants should submit their expression of interest to the email: by 31 December 2021. In the subject line, please state the consultancy you are applying for, your company name or last name and first name. (SUBJECT: Consultancy for data tracking- Last Name, First Name).

Application materials should include:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (CVs) of consultant/s
  2. Cover letter clearly summarizing your experience as it pertains to this study, daily consultancy fees (in NPR) and three professional references.
  3. Applicants will be required to provide two sample reports where the consultant/team leader has contributed as a team leader of the studies/evaluation review methodology and a sample of previous written report most similar to that described in this TOR.
  4. Financial proposal: It is expected from the consultant to submit the financial bid including daily rate.

Application material are non-returnable, and we thank you in advance for understanding that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next step in the application process. Please take note that incomplete application will be rejected.


Category Development and Project
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 16 Dec, 2021
Apply Before 31 Dec, 2021
City Kathmandu