Consultancy Services for Need Assessment of Ground-water Irrigation in 10 municipalities of Dhanusha and Mahottari Districts, Madhesh Province, Nepal

Global Green Growth Institute Nepal Program

Based in Seoul, The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization founded to support and promote a model of economic growth known as "green growth", which targets key aspects of economic performance such a poverty reduction, job creation, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. GGGI works with countries around the world, building their capacity and working collaboratively on green growth policies that can impact the lives of millions. The organization partners with countries, multilateral institutions, government bodies, and private sector to help build economies that grow strongly and are more efficient and sustainable in the use of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and more resilient to climate change.

Details / requirements:

Consultancy Services for Need Assessment of Ground-water Irrigation in 10 municipalities of Dhanusha and Mahottari Districts, Madhesh Province, Nepal

Date documents can be requested until: 06 June 2024 at 15:00

Title: Consultancy Services for Need Assessment of Ground-water Irrigation in 10 municipalities of Dhanusha and Mahottari Districts, Madhesh Province, Nepal

Procurement No.: 100010276

Process: RFP

Description: GGGI Nepal is inviting eligible firms/entities to submit their proposals under “Building Climate Resilience and Reintegrating Economically Displaced Workers through Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in the Terai Flood Plain” project:


The above-mentioned project aims to support the widespread adoption of climate-smart agriculture to reduce vulnerability and improve food and job security, especially for women and returned migrant workers. The project, funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and is implemented by GGGI in partnership with Good Neighbors International (GNI) Nepal, is being implemented in Kamala, Sabaila, Mithila Bihari, Janaknandini and Mukhiyapatti Musaharniya municipalities of Dhanusha district and Matihani, Mahottari, Sonama, Balwa and Bhangaha municipalities of Mahottari district.

One of the outputs of the CSA project is Output 1.2: Local governments plan, adopt and implement climate-smart agriculture. Under Output 1.2, CSA project will support to develop Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) plan of municipalities, ensures the CSA plan is adopted by municipalities as well as support in implementation of CSA measures and public work to build resilience for farming communities.


To ensure the effectiveness, sustainability, and positive impacts of these irrigation schemes, GGGI is hiring a consulting firm for a comprehensive study to assess various aspects related to irrigation in the target areas. The project municipalities in the project area face serious issues related to water management, including erratic rainfall patterns, water scarcity, and inefficient irrigation systems. Municipalities have urged GGGI to invest in irrigation due to drought and inadequate infrastructure, highlighting the issue's significance for agriculture. To address the irrigation challenges and support the Madesh province's objective of ensuring year-round irrigation, GGGI plans to implement the construction of shallow tube wells and medium boring systems across ten municipalities in the Dhanusha and Mahottari districts of the province.


The key activities under this study are as follows:

  • Assess the need and demand for irrigation within the 120 farmers group formed by the project in 10 municipalities of Dhanusha and Mahottari districts.
  • Evaluate the technical feasibility of implementing shallow tube well and medium boring systems for irrigation in the farmers group.
  • Identify the average area covered by a shallow tubewell and medium boring irrigation schemes to meet the irrigation requirements based on the technical specifications.
  • Conduct a financial analysis, including cost estimation, equipment and material requirements, periodic repair and maintenance and supplier assessment.
  • Analyze the social, economic, and environmental implications of the proposed irrigation schemes.
  • Provide recommendations for the design, implementation, and management of the irrigation schemes based on the findings of the study.
  • For more details on the Scope of Work, please refer to the Terms of Reference (TOR) document attached.


The tender submission deadline is 6 June 2024, 16:00 pm KST (Korean Standard Time).

If any bidder has any request for clarification on the TOR or any part of the tender documents, GGGI will be happy to clarify if they are received on or before 7 days before the deadline (namely: if the tender submission deadline is 16:00 15 April KST, then the due date for submission of request for clarification is 16:00 8 April KST).

Interested parties will be required to register their details on the GGGI e-Green Procurement Portal (


Documents can be accessed via the e-Green Procurement Portal ( by selecting ‘View Details’ on the relevant notice and then clicking the ‘Tender Application’ button. If you are a new supplier, you will be required to register your details. If you have an existing account, you will need to login to the portal. Please refer to the guidance documents under the `Supplier Guidance` area of the portal for further information.


Once in the Tender Management Area for the tender, there are five possible tabs: ‘Tender’, `Tender Documents`, ‘Correspondence’, ‘Clarifications’ and ‘History’. Select the 2nd tab (`Tender Documents`) where you will find useful information regarding the RFP. Scroll down to the heading ‘Tender Documents Received’ where you will be able to view/download the documents.


Please note that you may be required to ‘Opt In’ before you can start populating your response. The ‘Opt Out’ functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender along with the opportunity of providing comments and feedback for this decision. You can choose to ‘Opt In’ at any time during the tender process if you initially decided to ‘Opt Out’.


Please note that you may be required to ‘Opt In’ to be able to submit a response through the portal. Tenderers will be required to upload any mandatory Placeholders (i.e. specified documents) within the `Tender Documents` tab. The ability to attach additional documents may also be available. Your proposal will not be submitted until you click `Submit Return`, located towards the bottom of the screen. On clicking `Submit Return`, you will receive a receipt confirming that your proposal has been submitted to GGGI.

Please read Instructions on How to submit the Proposal.


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Apply for Tender


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 17 May, 2024
Apply Before 06 Jun, 2024
City Dhanusha and Mahottari, Madhesh Province