Terms of Reference- Policy Development of SASAJA Cooperative

Samyukta Safai Jagaran

Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference

Policy Development of SASAJA Cooperative


Samyukta Safai Jagaran (SASAJA) is a non-governmental, non-profit making, non-political organization established by the groups of informal waste workers in 2014. SASAJA focuses on the recognition, rights, and advocacy for IWWs. SASAJA want to advocate to the government especially on recognizing their contribution to waste management, government trust funds for IWWs and access to social health insurance. SASAJA is providing monthly education to their group members focusing on savings and credit and solid waste management. One of the most significant achievement of the organization is cooperative (Samyukta Safai Jagaran Saving and Credit Cooperative) bringing nearly 1000 members from informal waste workers with the aim to work on the rights and welfare of informal waste workers from various means. 

SASAJA in collaboration with Green Path Nepal (GPN) and Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is implementing “Healthy Waste Workers for Sustainable Waste Management” project funded by Médecins du Monde (MdM). The main objective of the project is to improve health, wellbeing and livelihood of informal waste workers in Kathmandu Valley and Sisdole landfill site. To achieve this objective the project has three main expected outcomes: 

  1. Formalization of IWWs through non-profit enterprises and increasing their recognition in integrated solid waste management in urban cities 
  2. Increase risk mitigation and promotion of decent safe work opportunities in current activities and through innovation 
  3. Increase access to quality health services for IWWs and the community through promotion of Urban Health Promotion Centre

Among these three outcomes, SASAJA is primarily responsible to carry out Outcome 1 and coordinate with our partner organizations for outcome 2 & 3. Among the various activities planned to achieve the objectives of the project, development of appropriate business model including microfinance scheme through SASAJA cooperative is one of the most important activity under output 2.2.

Samyukta Safai Jagaran (SASAJA) Saving & Credit Cooperative Ltd. is only one informal waste workers community based single – purposed saving & credit ltd. It is registered in March 2013 and office is located at Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Ward No. 12, Mayalbari, Teku, and Kathmandu, Nepal. The vision of the Cooperative is to provide sustainable financial support to IWWs which improves the social and economic condition of Informal Waste Workers and the mission of the Cooperative is to capacitate the informal waste workers and bring all IWWs into one network and establish a key organization for dignified lives. For the development of standards for decent, safe and inclusive business we have to strengthen the SASAJA cooperative to empower IWWs members and we need an assessment of the cooperative. 

Objective of Policy Development:

The main objective of new policy development in a cooperative is to support the long-term success and sustainability of the organization, with advancing the interests of its members. However, some common objectives of new policy development in cooperatives includes:

  • Enhancing governance: Cooperatives are democratic organizations that are owned and controlled by their members. Developing new policies can help to improve the governance structure of the cooperative, making it more effective, transparent, and accountable.
  • Ensuring compliance: Cooperatives must comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards. Developing new policies can help to ensure that the cooperative is meeting its legal and regulatory obligations, and that its operations are aligned with industry standards and best practices.
  • Improving efficiency and effectiveness: Developing new policies can help to streamline processes, eliminate redundancies, and reduce costs, making the cooperative more efficient and effective in achieving its objectives.
  • Enhancing member participation: Cooperatives depend on the active participation of their members. Developing new policies that encourage greater member engagement, communication, and collaboration can help to build a stronger sense of community and promote a more inclusive and participatory organizational culture.

Main Policies to be developed as follows:

As per the recommendation of Cooperative assessment report following policies should be developed:

  • Membership Policy
  • Credit Disbursement and Recovery Policy
  • Deposit Collection Policy
  • Financial and Administration Policy
  • Expected Deliverables / Outputs

The deliverables expected from the consultant/supplier are

  • Final Copy of Membership Policy
  • Final Copy of Credit Disbursement and Recovery Policy
  • Final Copy of Deposit Collection Policy
  • Final Copy of Financial and Administration Policy
  • Final Policies to be delivered in both Nepali and English
  • Orientation of new policies to SASAJA Cooperative board members, cooperative staffs, and projects staffs.
  • The development and orientation of the forms and formats required to implement those policies.
  • Guidance on implementation of accounting software set up so as to comply with those policies developed.

Proposed Methodology (consultant can adopt as per discussion with SASAJA)

  • Desk review of the cooperative legal, financial, and other documents
  • Review of previous assessment report of SASAJA cooperative and literature review of the cooperative business
  • Interviews or discussion with relevant stakeholders, staffs, management, and project teams
  • Observation and analysis of the current operation process and feedback for improvement needed. 
  • Discussion of draft policy and update the feedbacks from SASAJA teams.
  • Presentation and orientation of final draft of policies to relevant SASAJA teams.


  • As per the need and opinion of the consultant/ supplier
  • Final policy copy submission

This proposed methodology and details to be finalized after negotiation with SASAJA project team. Location:

  • Office location: Teku, Kathmandu

Time frame: 2 months

  • Draft Policy 4 weeks
  • Final Policy 2 weeks
  • Orientation of policies 2 weeks

Competency of Consultant / Supplier

The Firm/Consultant/Service providers should have the following qualifications and experience

  • Bachelor or master’s degree in Economics, Commerce, Business Administration, Law or relevant field 
  • 10 years of experience with good knowledge in policy development of Micro-finance / cooperative business including business development experience

How to Apply

  • Interested consultant or supplier firm can apply within the deadlines with following details.
  • For individual consultant- Signed CV of lead consultant with details of relevant experiences 
  • For institutional supplier- business profile with singed CV of lead consultant, registration documents and last tax clearance
  • PAN Certificate
  • Technical proposal with detailed work plan with duration / days, methodology and deliverables 
  • Financial Proposal for all above deliverable (Expected budget: 2,00,000 NPR for consultant fee) 
  • For any queries or information, please email to : sasaja.procurement@gmail.com
  • Please send your technical and financial proposals within 7th June 2023 to: sasaja.procurement@gmail.com

SASAJA website: www.sasaja.org


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 18 May, 2023
Apply Before 07 Jun, 2023
City Kathmandu