Terms of Reference for National consultant Training On Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP)


Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference for National Consultant

Training On Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP)

FCA is seeking proposals from interested consultants/firms for conducting three days training on Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP).

Please refer to the following detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and template for the Consultancy service:

Terms of Reference (ToR)

for trainer on

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan training

1. Introduction to FCA

FCA is Finland’s largest international development organization. It operates in 13 countries in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. FCA specializes in three thematic priority areas: Right to Peace, Right to Livelihood, and Right to Quality Education. The work is done with the poorest people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background, or political convictions. As a civil society actor, FCA realizes its mission and vision through development cooperation, humanitarian assistance, and advocacy work.

FCA contributes to positive change by supporting people in the most vulnerable situations within fragile and disaster-affected areas. The main funding sources are from private persons and companies, the Government of Finland, and global institutional donors such as various UN agencies, bilateral donor agencies, and the EU. FCA enjoys Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS) certification and is a member of the ACT Alliance.

With a commitment to bring about positive development through collaboration, FCA has been supporting in Nepal since the 1980s and has had an in-country presence since 2013. FCA’s core components for the work in Nepal have always been livelihood and education, both as long-term development projects and disaster response and recovery programs. The current Nepal program focuses on work in Bagmati, Madhesh, Sudurpaschim and Karnali Provinces of Nepal with the key strategy to promote marginalized women and youth’s socio-economic empowerment so they can enjoy a decent living.

2. Background

Nepal is prone to natural disasters and sensitive to the impacts of climate change. The country is in a high seismic zone. Nepal ranks 34th in the latest INFORM Global Risk Index and categorized as “ High risk” for disaster and humanitarian crises. The 2021 Global Climate Risk Index ranks Nepal 10th out of 180 countries.   Floods, landslides, thunderbolt, fire outbreaks, drought, epidemic disease outbreak are few of them, besides the high risks of earthquake. These hazards are the major causes of disaster events that causes severe damage and destruction of the life and property each year and have direct impact on people’s lives leading to loss of shelter, jobs, education, health, and livelihood.

In such context, humanitarian programming saves lives and livelihood of people. Humanitarian programming guides humanitarian actors to work together to help people affected by disaster and conflict. It is a coordinated series of action undertaken to help prepare for manage and deliver humanitarian response. For FCA, to react quickly and effectively when a disaster strikes, both tools and procedures need to be in place. One of them is the Emergency Preparedness and Response plan (EPRP). The EPRP provides with practical advice and examples for FCA to proceed with the preparedness process.

As a humanitarian organization, FCA has been implementing emergency response and recovery programs in Nepal since 2015 earthquake. The emergency response actions are guided by FCA Nepal Country Office’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP) and Contingency Plans for major identified disasters, earthquake floods and landslides. FCA’s intervention in disaster is focused on its core intervention themes –Education in Emergencies (EiE) and livelihood in emergencies. Some key interventions include immediate relief support via Cash or Non-Food Items (NFI); early livelihood recovery activities; and early restoration of education (school reconstruction, education materials etc.).

FCA promotes Core humanitarian Standard (CHS) and SPHERE standards in humanitarian response. The Nepal Country Programme has also incorporated Climate Action and Environmental sustainability as cross-cutting principles throughout its program and projects, also integrating Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) when necessary.  

Recently, FCA has selected nine local partners from seven provinces for humanitarian partnership for Emergency Response (ER) Programs. These partners have expertise in humanitarian capacity to respond immediately during the time of crises. In case of disasters, these partners will be approached directly to implement ER Program with FCA funds and/ or for possible collaboration in fundraising and subsequent implementation of ER program. 

Likewise,  FCA is working with seven local partners in four provinces (Bagmati, Madhesh, Sudhurpashim and Karnali) of Nepal to implement socio-economic empowerment and climate resilient project as part of the regular development projects. These partners have been implementing different interventions with major focus on livelihood and few components on education and DRR and climate change.   

In 2022, FCA organized training on humanitarian programming and livelihood in emergencies for implementing partners and FCA staff. The training was focused on different sessions. These includes introductory sessions on topics such as humanitarian principles and international humanitarian laws, humanitarian architecture from Palikas to central level, major response mechanisms, SPHERE standards and core humanitarian standards (CHS), forecast based financing and anticipatory action. Likewise, there was brief sessions on  initial rapid assessment/rapid needs assessment  (IRA/RNA),  Early Response Plans (ERPs) and Contingency, special consideration for vulnerable groups, protection and inclusion aspects, Accountability to Affected People (AAP), Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

As a follow up for capacity development, FCA has planned three days capacity building training for implementing partners and staff on developing EPRP/Contingency Plans. The EPRP and Contingency Plans guides humanitarian programming in case of humanitarian crises. Thus, FCA is looking for a trainer/facilitator to conduct 3 days training on EPRP/contingency planning for its implementing partner.

3. Objective and Scope of work

The purpose of the training is to provide knowledge and skill to participants on EPRP components so that each partner will be able to develop the EPRP of their respective organization which will be a key planning and guidance document used during the emergency response. The consultant should provide a post training support to five implementing partners to finalize their EPRP documents. The post training support includes brief review and input support to five implementing partners to finalize their CPs. 

After the completion of the training, the participants would be able to:

  • Develop knowledge and skills on the process and key steps for developing the EPRP so that each partner has capacity to develop and update their organization’s EPRP/Contingency plan.

Scope of work

The training will adopt participatory tailor-made approach and build the capacity of partners staffs to develop the EPRP. Three days training will be held in Dhangadhi and tentatively there will be around 30 participants. 

The responsibility of the consultant is to share three days training content and deliver in a face-to-face mode. The consultant/firm will have to share the training material and course content beforehand with FCA, and the consultant should be open to adjustment to course content as per need of the FCA and incorporate feedback provided by the FCA. The course content will be reviewed and finalized in coordination with FCA before executing the work assignment. 


Based on content of training materials, firm/consultant would deliver: 

  • Agenda of training with sessions plan (to be agreed with FCA before the training)
  • Three days face to face  training 
  • Detail training report including result of pre and post assessment of training. The report should be proved in printed and electronic formats. 
  • Training materials should be provided in electronic format. 
  • Submit the final version of EPRP and Contingency Plans of five implementing partners.

4. Terms of payment

The payment will be made in two installments. 50% of the contract amount will be paid within 15 days of the submission of the training report incorporating the feedback of FCA after successful completion of the training. Remaining 50% will be made after submitting the five EPRP/Contingency Plans documents with incorporating the feedback and inputs from FCA.

5. Eligibility Criteria 

An individual or a consultancy firm must submit following documents to be eligible for the selection process:

  • Company registration (for a firm)
  • VAT registration 
  • Tax clearance/renewal 
  • CV of the lead facilitator(s)
  • 5 years’ experience in the humanitarian programming and response,

6. Special Terms & Conditions / Specific Criteria

The firm/consultant will be expected to have the practical experience and an excellent conceptual understanding of EPRP and contingency planning, humanitarian principles and humanitarian response programming, Emergencies, CHS and SPHERE standards and possess:

  • Previous experience of training facilitation in the same topics
  • Knowledge and experience in the concept of EPRP and contingency planning in humanitarian context.  
  • Excellent speaking and writing skills in English and Nepali languages. 
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in humanitarian programming and humanitarian response in Nepal. 
  • Experience in designing and conducting participatory and interactive training.

7. Proposal and deliverables timeline

  • Technical/financial proposal submission – by – 4th June 2023
  • Agreement between FCA and the consultant – by 15th June 2023 
  • Share training materials to FCA by the consultant to FCA by 19th June 2023
  • Finalise training content and modality after FCA feedback – by 24th June 2023
  • Training conduct by the consultant –26 to 28 June 2023
  • Report submission to FCA by 3rd July 2023
  • Final EPRP submission to FCA by 31 July 2023.

8. Bids assessment 

After evaluation of the proposals by the Procurement Committee, FCA will make award to the applicant, whose proposal provides the best value, considering both technical and financial factors. 

  • Technical - 70% (Quality of proposal containing capacity statement for the assignment, methodology and implementation plan, qualification, team composition and experiences in relevant thematic sector/assignment)
  • Financial(Value for money) – 30%

Technical/financial proposals (annexed) meeting ToR requirements are to be submitted via email to Nco.Info@kua.fi with the subject “Proposal submission for training on Emergency Preparedness and Response plan” by 4th June 2023.

Annex 1: Proposal Submission Form

FCA Nepal Country Office

P.O. Box 23517, Kathmandu-2, Baluwatar


Category Development and Project, Trainer
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 22 May, 2023
Apply Before 04 Jun, 2023
City Kathmandu