Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh)

Details / requirements:


Addressing Impacts of COVID on Efforts to Combat Transnational Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in two border districts of Nepal

1.     Background: Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) 

Terre des hommes foundation (Tdh) is a leading Swiss non-government organization which is active in the protection of vulnerable children. Tdh was founded in 1960 and helps to build a better future for disadvantaged children and their communities, with innovative approaches as well as practical and sustainable solutions. Tdh has been in Nepal since 1995 working with all stakeholders to bring change to the lives of the most vulnerable children. Our regular child protection-and health-focused projects as well as child protection in emergencies have and will continue to benefit thousands of children, their relatives and communities across the country. 

Tdh Nepal delegation in partnership with Shakti Samuha is implementing the project “Addressing Impacts of COVID on Efforts to Combat Transnational Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in two border districts of Nepal” in Illam and Jhapadistricts  for a period of 12 months starting from 1st July 2021.

2.     Introduction to the project

The project will contribute to the goal  that the  Persons at-risk of and victims of transnational Trafficking in persons (TIP) in the border districts of Jhapa and Illam of Nepal have decreased risk of being trafficked and have increased access to responsive protection services through capacity strengthening of government, CSOs and other key duty bearers to combat TIP during COVID pandemic. 

In alignment with TIP Office priorities, the project aims to ensure the most vulnerable have decreased risk of being trafficked and access to preventative and protective services. The project will accomplish this through addressing the impacts of COVID on TIP and supporting government measures to combat transnational TIP in the two selected districts of Illam and Jhapathat are neighboring with West Bengal, India.

To attain the goal, the project has two mutually reinforcing objectives, with the first objective articulating the concept of prevention of TIP by increasing building evidence and capacity of government and duty bearers, and the second objective articulating the concept of protection by increasing the capacity of actors to provide critical protection services to TIP victims/survivors, adapted to the COVID context. 

Theory of Change: If governments, CSOs and other key duty bearers have increased capacity to identify and refer persons at-risk of trafficking and to prevent transnational TIP, and if they also have increased capacity to provide victim-centered, survivor-informed and trauma-informed services to protect victims of transnational TIP, assuming:

  • Sufficient data is available, and research is completed,
  • Province- and district-level actors commit to the project objectives,
  • Government actors adapt the legislative frameworks and operating protocols,
  • Trained persons stay in the districts of intervention, and 
  • There are no major social, political, economic, or security changes,

then persons at-risk of and victims of transnational TIP in the border districts of Jhapa and Illam will have decreased risk of being trafficked or re-trafficked and have increased access to responsive protection services because evidenced-based interventions that build local capacity lead to more efficient, effective, and sustainable prevention and protection responses to counter and combat transnational TIP in complex contexts.

The proposed activities will primarily be implemented in 2 porous cross-border districts in Nepal, where ongoing economic hardship, natural disasters, sociopolitical and resulting trafficking issues have been magnified due to COVID. The 2 districts (with specific municipalities) include Jhapa (Mechinagar) – Kakarbhitta border and Illam (Suryodaya) – Pashupatinagar border. The specific municipalities selected have been indicated as hotspots for trafficking. Tdh will leverage SS’s ongoing presence and projects in the targeted districts to accomplish the subsequent objectives and activities.

3.    Survey purpose, objective, and scope

The project baseline survey will be carried out to generate baseline data for measuring the performance of the programme over the intervention period and meeting the monitoring and evaluation needs of the program. The project has a defined project goal, outcomes, outputs, and inputs which are stated in the log-frame with indicators. It is important for the project that the intended outcome is achieved in the project duration. Whether intended project results are achieved, is identified through a comparison between the initial stage of the project with the final stage. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the status of the proposed indicators at the starting of the project. In this scenario, to set up an initial benchmark (baseline) at the start of the project is needed. The baseline assessment will help Tdh determine the existing status of the project indicators which will be used as a basis to measure the project’s progress.

3.1.     Scope 

The overall objective of the baseline assessment is to identify the existing situation related to the project indicators at the output and outcome levels(project initiation period) as per the project defined indicators related to project outcome, output, and inputs. The progress on the indicators will be measured by comparing the baseline and endline data at the end of the project period. The study intends to assess the following:

  • Knowledge among duty bearers, stakeholders and actors on identification and referrals of victims of or persons at-risk of transnational TIP in 2 cross-border districts of Nepal (pashupatinagar and panitanki)
  • Existing legislation and protocols and human resource on identification and referrals of victims of or persons at-risk of transnational TIP in 2 cross-border districts of Nepal.
  • Number of identified victims of trafficking referred to a type of protection service 
  • Number of unique victims of transnational TIP receiving one or more types of protection services who are satisfied with the process and type of support services offered to them.
  • The number of trained human resources on MHPSS and Trauma-Informed Care for victims of TIP in the 2-cross-border districts of Nepal.
  • Perceptions from duty bearers, stakeholders, actors, and survivor victims on existing trafficking issues and response mechanisms and gaps. 

4.     Methodology and process

The methods to be used for the study will be participatory. The consultant, who will lead the baseline survey process, is expected to come up with (but not limited to) the following:

  • Document Review
  • Consult with the Tdh MEL manageron methods and techniques and finalize the methodology and preparation of inception report and share with Tdh before execution of field activities.
  • Develop a list of project individuals to be interviewed.
  • Develop data collection tools and field application
  • Conduct data analysis
  • Prepare draft report as per guidelines to be reviewed by Tdh before presenting a final report.

5.     Expected Deliverables

5.1. Inception report: The first output will be an inception report, which includes a thorough desk review of the provided secondary documents. In addition, the inception report should articulate the baseline survey design (including methodology, data collection plan outlining the sources of data for each of the baseline questions). Only after the approval of the inception report by Tdh can the fieldwork begin.

5.2.     Draft report: The report has to synthesize all the results, conclusions, recommendations and will be shared with Tdh for feedback. 

5.3.     Oral presentation/meeting and debrief with Tdh and partner staff: The selected institution /firm /consultant will be requested to conduct a presentation to Tdh and project partners on the findings of the survey for feedback and finalize the report. 

5.4.     Final report. The baseline report should be structured as per the template provided which will have different sections including (a) executive summary (b) the context (c) description of the project/programme (d) objectives (e) methods and limitations (f) assessment analysis (g) findings and conclusions structured based on qualitative and quantitative indicators and recommendations. A draft report is expected from the consultant before the final report. The report will be written in English language and must be comprehensive. A reporting template will be provided by Tdh.

6.     Duration of the study

The study will commence with the signing of the contract. The duration of the contract will be 45 days including final report submission.

2021. The baseline will be based on the envisaged elements indicated below:

6.1.     Activities:

  • Inception Meeting with the relevant Tdh team members and project partners.
  • A literature review of project documents, development of tools and methodology,
  • Development and submission of inception report with data collection matrix  
  • Finalizing data collection tools based on comments from Tdh. 
  • Training of enumerators if relevant
  • Field data collection (inclusive of travel)
  • Data entry, analysis, selection of case stories, and submission of the draft report 
  • Revision of Draft Report based on comments from Tdh team 
  • Oral presentation meeting at Tdh office. 
  • Incorporating feedback and finalize the report.

7.     Budget for the baseline study

  • The total budget available for the entire baseline study and related travels, transportation, etcto be made to the team of consulting services is NPR 500,000 (In words: Five hundred thousand Nepalese Rupees)
  • Tax deductions will be as per the Tax Laws of the Nepal Government. 
  • The consultant or consulting firm shall provide the VAT invoice
  • No other costs will be borne by Terre des hommes except the contracted amount as per the consultancy contract
  • The payment will be released in three installments: 30 % upon signing the contract, 50% when the inception report is approved and 20% when the final report is approved, and Tax Invoice is provided. The Consultant(s) shall be responsible for all costs of field visits and movement such as travel, accommodation, etc. No other expenses are paid to the Consultants. 

8.     Ethical and Safeguarding statements

Observing ethical standards is important for all information gathering that involves government healthcare workers, beneficiaries, Tdh staff, and other stakeholders

  • Tdh has its safeguarding guidelines which the consultant needs to adhere to.
  • Tdh requires a ‘do no harm to children and ‘no harm to communities’ as a central theme of the endline. This is to be interwoven into all aspects of the endline study.
  • A responsible authority from the agency must sign the Terre des hommes Child Safeguarding Policy and Global Code of Conduct and be willing to adhere to its principles and expected practices. If a breach of the policy or code of conduct takes place the consultancy will be terminated immediately without any financial burden on Tdh. 
  • Informed consent should be given before participating in the study, and the participants should be able to withdraw at any moment. Respondents should be explained how the Study findings are likely to be used. They must then be asked and must be free to choose, whether: they can be quoted in materials; photographs can be taken and used, the name can be used in the material. 
  • If it is agreed that all or any part of a participant’s testimony should be confidential, then that commitment must be recorded and respected. If the testimony is to be made anonymous or used with a false name, make sure that any other identifying details are also changed. 
  • The agency must maintain data security and provide a data security plan. 
  • No money should be given for participating in a survey unless participants would have incurred direct financial costs for ensuring their participation.

9.     Copy Right

All documents, survey design, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. In addition, the agency formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information and shall not, without the written approval of Tdh be made available to any third party. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of Tdh. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by Tdh and the final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to Tdh upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it, shall remain the property of Tdh. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed, and specific written permission of Tdh.

10.     Qualification of Consultant/s

It is expected that the applicant agency/Consultant has: 

  • Knowledge of Trafficking in Person issues and response mechanisms, especially with a focus on children. 
  • Track record in developing and conducting surveys including qualitative and quantitative data collection. 
  • Experience in managing and coordinating large-scale surveys, delivering agreed outputs on time and within budget. 
  • Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies. 
  • Excellent and demonstrated understanding of Child Protection and ethical issues in research. 
  • Ability to work with communities in relevant local languages 
  • Strong quantitative data entry and analysis skills and previous experience using statistical analysis software (SPSS, Stata).
  • Ability to write high-quality, clear, concise reports in English.

11.     Application process

Interested consulting agencies /Consultant(s) are requested to submit the following documentsto Terre des hommes (Tdh), Kathmandu, Nepal

Expression of interest outlining how the consultant(s) meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR and methodology.  

  • A proposed activities schedule/work plan with a time frame
  • Copy of profile of the agency, including the CVs of the key team members who will lead the study
  • Two recent examples of similar study report written by the applicant agency
  • A financial proposal detailing consultant(s) itemized remunerations and other costs like travels, accommodations, and other expenses for the team, data collection methods, data analysis, report writing, and administrative costs, all-inclusive of VAT.
  • Copy of firm registration certificate and renewal documents.
  • Copy of VAT registration certificate.
  • Contacts of 3 references/agencies where recent assignments have been undertaken 
  • The recruitment procedure follows the Terre des hommes Child Safeguarding Policy, including reference checks. 

Interested and eligible applicants should send their application by 16th of July 2021 to: 

Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh)

Bluebird Complex, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu 

Or by email:

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview and further processes. 


Category Development and Project
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Ph.D. / Doctorate
Posted Date 02 Jul, 2021
Apply Before 16 Jul, 2021
City Kathmandu