Project Officer (Health)

Action Works Nepal

Action Works Nepal (AWON) is an NGO duly registered at the District Administration Office, Kathmandu in 2010 under the NGO Registration Act,2034 B.S. It is also affiliated with the Social Welfare Council in Kathmandu. AWON’s coordination office is located in Kathmandu with district offices situated in four other districts– Jumla, Mugu, Kalikot and Kavrepalanchowk. AWON is dedicated to support the poor, socially excluded and vulnerable people through result driven programs and intervention.Action Works Nepal (AWON) is an NGO duly registered at the District Administration Office, Kathmandu in 2010 under the NGO Registration Act,2034 B.S. It is also affiliated with the Social Welfare Council in Kathmandu. AWON’s coordination office is located in Kathmandu with district offices situated in four other districts– Jumla, Mugu, Kalikot and Kavrepalanchowk. AWON is dedicated to support the poor, socially excluded and vulnerable people through result driven programs and intervention.From its inception, AWON has been involved in humanitarian and development activities in the remote mountain regions of Nepal. Throughout this duration, it has successfully worked in various thematic areas including education, livelihoods, health, women and girl’s empowerment, and emergency responses.

Details / requirements:


à¤à¤•à¥à¤¸à¤¨ वकà¥à¤°à¥à¤¸ नेपाल (à¤à¤µà¥‹à¤¨) गैर सरकारी ससà¥à¤à¤¥à¤¾ हो, जसले सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ªà¤¨à¤¾à¤¦à¥‡à¤–ि नै आरà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤• रà¥à¤ªà¤®à¤¾ बिपनà¥à¤¨ तथा बिभिनà¥à¤¨ कारणले पछाडी पारीà¤à¤•à¤¾ समà¥à¤¦à¤¾à¤¯à¤•à¥‹ सवालमा काम गरà¥à¤¦à¥ˆ सामाजिक नà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¯à¤•à¤¾ लागि पहल गरिरहेको छ । बिशेष गरी à¤à¤µà¥‹à¤¨à¤•à¤¾ कारà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤°à¤®à¤¹à¤°à¥ महिला शसकà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤•à¤°à¤£, जीबिको पारà¥à¤œà¤¨à¤®à¤¾ सà¥à¤§à¤¾à¤° गरà¥à¤¦à¥ˆ निति निरà¥à¤®à¤¾à¤£ तहमा खवरदारी गरà¥à¤¨à¥‡ तथा अधिकार सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ªà¥€à¤¤ गरà¥à¤¨à¤•à¤¾ लागि लकà¥à¤·à¤¿à¤¤ छ । हालसमà¥à¤® à¤à¤•à¥à¤¸à¤¨ वकà¥à¤°à¥à¤¸à¤•à¤¾ कामहरॠबिशेषगरि करà¥à¤£à¤¾à¤²à¥€ र काभेà¥à¤°à¤•à¥‹ गà¥à¤°à¥à¤°à¤¾à¤®à¥€à¤£ कà¥à¤·à¥‡à¤¤à¥à¤°à¤®à¤¾ केनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¤ छनॠ। यसै कà¥à¤°à¤®à¤®à¤¾ हेलà¥à¤ªà¥‡à¤œ ईनà¥à¤Ÿà¤°à¤¨à¥‡à¤¶à¤¨à¤²à¤•à¥‹ आरà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤• सहयोगमा à¤à¤•à¥à¤¸à¤¨ वकà¥à¤°à¥à¤¸ नेपालदà¥à¤§à¤¾à¤°à¤¾ काभà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤®à¤¾  “Nepal Earthquake Response Project”  à¤•à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤°à¤®à¤•à¥‹ लागि तपसिल अनà¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤° पदपूरà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤•à¤¾ लागि दरखासà¥à¤¤ आहà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¨ गरिà¤à¤•à¥‹ छ । समà¥à¤µà¤¨à¥à¤§à¤¿à¤¤ पदको जिमà¥à¤®à¥‡à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¥€ तथा कारà¥à¤¯ विवरण यस संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤•à¥‹ वेबसाइट  à¤®à¤¾ हेरà¥à¤¨ सकिनेछ । 

पद र संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤ƒ— आयोजना अधिकृत (सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¸à¥à¤¥à¥à¤¯)  – १ जना 

कारà¥à¤¯ कà¥à¤·à¥‡à¤¤à¥à¤°à¤ƒ काभà¥à¤°à¥‡ 

शैकà¥à¤·à¤¿à¤• योगà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¤¾, मà¥à¤–à¥à¤¯ जिमà¥à¤®à¥‡à¤¬à¤¾à¤°à¥€ र दकà¥à¤·à¤¤à¤¾à¤ƒ 

  • पबà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤• हेलà¥à¤¥ वा कमà¥à¤¯à¥à¤¨à¤¿à¤Ÿà¤¿ हेलà¥à¤¥ वा कमà¥à¤¯à¥à¤¨à¤¿à¤Ÿà¤¿ नरà¥à¤¸à¤¿à¤™ वा हेलà¥à¤¥ केयर मà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¥‡à¤œà¤®à¥‡à¤¨à¥à¤Ÿ विषयमा सà¥à¤¨à¤¾à¤¤à¤• तह र सो सरह उतà¥à¤°à¥à¤¤à¥€à¤£ गरि कमà¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤®à¤¾ २ बरà¥à¤·à¤•à¥‹ अनà¥à¤­à¤µ हà¥à¤¨à¥ परà¥à¤¨à¥‡ । 
  • आयोजना अधिकृतले कारà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤°à¤® संयोजकपà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿ उतà¥à¤¤à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¯à¥€ रहि à¤à¤µà¥‹à¤¨à¤•à¥‹ काभà¥à¤°à¥‡ जिलà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤®à¤¾ कारà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤°à¤® योजना तयार गरà¥à¤¨à¥‡, कारà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤¨à¥à¤µà¤¯à¤¨ गरी पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¬à¥‡à¤¦à¤¨ तयार गरà¥à¤¨à¥‡ ।
  • जेषà¥à¤  नागरिकको अधिकार र सà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤¸à¥à¤¥à¥à¤¯ तथा मानव अधिकार अभियानको सवालमा अनà¥à¤­à¤µ वा जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¨ भà¤à¤•à¥‹ ।
  • सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¥€à¤¯ सरकारी तथा गैरसरकारी सघंससà¥à¤¥à¤¾ लगायतसà¤à¤— सहकारà¥à¤¯ गरी काम गरà¥à¤¨à¥à¤ªà¤°à¥à¤¨à¥‡, पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¬à¥‡à¤¦à¤¨ तयार गरà¥à¤¨à¥‡, सूचना आदान पà¥à¤°à¤¦à¤¾à¤¨ गरà¥à¤¨à¥‡ लगायतका कामहरॠगरà¥à¤¨à¥à¤ªà¤°à¥à¤¨à¥‡ र कमà¥à¤ªà¥à¤¯à¥à¤Ÿà¤°à¤•à¥‹ बारेमा रामà¥à¤°à¥‹ जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤¨ हà¥à¤¨à¥à¤ªà¤°à¥à¤¨à¥‡ तथा इमेल इनà¥à¤Ÿà¤°à¤¨à¥‡à¤Ÿà¤•à¥‹ पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥‹à¤— गरà¥à¤¨ सकà¥à¤·à¤® हà¥à¤¨à¥ परà¥à¤¨à¥‡ ।

इचà¥à¤›à¥à¤• वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤²à¥‡ आफà¥à¤¨à¥‹ बायोडाटा र निबेदन  à¤®à¤¾ यहि २०७२ माघ २९ (१२ फेवà¥à¤°à¥à¤…री २०१६) à¤¸à¤®à¥à¤®à¤®à¤¾ पेश गरिसकà¥à¤¨à¥ परà¥à¤¨à¥‡à¤› । पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤ªà¥à¤¤ दरà¥à¤–ासà¥à¤¤ मधà¥à¤¯à¥‡à¤¬à¤¾à¤Ÿ छनोटमा परेका वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤¹à¤°à¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ मातà¥à¤° समà¥à¤ªà¤°à¥à¤• गरीनेछ भने फोनबाट गरिà¤à¤•à¥‹ समà¥à¤ªà¤°à¥à¤•à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ मानà¥à¤¯à¤¤à¤¾ दिइने छैन । 

सेवा सà¥à¤¬à¤¿à¤§à¤¾ कारà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤²à¤¯à¤•à¥‹ नियम अनà¥à¤¸à¤¾à¤° हà¥à¤¨à¥‡à¤›, महिला दलित तथा बिभिनà¥à¤¨ कारणले सामाजीक बहिसà¥à¤•à¤°à¤£à¤®à¤¾ परेका समà¥à¤¦à¤¾à¤¯à¤•à¤¾ वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤¥à¤®à¤¿à¤•à¤¤à¤¾ दिइने छ ।  

Action Works Nepal (AWON)


 Job Title: Project Officer (Health) - 1

Reports to: Program Coordinator

Staff Reporting: Community Facilitators   

Duty Station: Kavre 

About Project:

Action Works Nepal (AWON) in partnership with HelpAge International Nepal had been recently completed a project “Miteri Valuing Older People in Emergencies (Miteri VOPE) Project” in 8 different Village Development Committees (VDCs) of Kavrepalanchowk district of Nepal. The program’s activities were for older people health and their social mobilization issues. It is one of the most affected districts by 25th April 2015 earthquake and its aftershocks.

The Project had brought older people who are most marginalized and vulnerable together in a group and network, they sit together every month and discuss on various social issues, ventilate their feelings, care each other. This project had able to unite older people together, they had found out their friends whom they can easily share their emotions. Due to project intervention, local community people and their family are also being serious about the rights of older people. Older people in the project areas were provided various health care services through health camps. Miteri VOPE project was designed for early recovery for six months period after the earthquake, the project brought out hope to the older people as they were motivated and encouraged to work together, they want to transfer their knowledge and skills to new generation.

This VOPE -2 will help them to continue their community level activities, strengthen the capacity and empower older people group and associations to claim their rights. It will also make aware to local community, stakeholders about the older people rights and create enabling environment in the community. This project will also enhance the capacity of local health workers and support health facilities in the project areas to provide health services to older people effectively and efficiently.

Objectives of the project

  • To aware and empower most vulnerable and marginalized Older People Groups and Association to claim their rights.
  • To increase access of older people to take health care facilities from local health post.

Job Purpose:               

The Project Officer-Health (POH) will be responsible for the implementation and coordination for all Activities and community level activities in each VDC. S/he will be also responsible to implement the project activities at district and field levels.

Key Responsibilities of Project Officer - Health

Program Implementation and coordination

  • Manage and responsible to implement of all district and field level project activities in consultation Project coordinator and agreed Detail Implementation Plan.
  • Proactively ensure the all project activities are implementing with accordance with organizational policies, guidelines and within periodic implementation plan in timely manner.
  • Organize mobile health camps based on Detail Implementation Plan in coordination with concerned health workers.
  • Lead the overall project management issues (Kavre) of project ensuring quality of inputs, process and results along with time to time review of Detail Implementation Plan and budget plan and expenditure trend regularly.
  • Be involved in district health-related activities organised by partners /stakeholders and engage in district level dialogue and advocacy forums.
  • Build relation with district’s health-related organisations and advocate for ageing-related (including geriatric) health actions;
  • Facilitate and key role for the selection of Community Volunteers and conduct performance appraisal of Community Volunteers.
  • Make adequate field visits to in working districts to supervise, monitor and support in the implementation of programme to enhance Community Volunteer’s capacity, ensure the quality of programme and coordination with district stakeholders as well as to support district team for the effective management of program, finance and administration as well as for the better coordination.
  • Ensure all planned activities in each program are implemented in line with expected results and provide support for improvement as necessary through conducting and managing periodic review from district to national level.

Educational requirement

  • Bachelors Degree in Public Health Or Community Health Or Community Nursing Or Health Care Management

Experience requirement

  • Demonstrated experience of health work/management in a development context; At least two years experience in health care management and/or public health;



  • Target-oriented, proactive, and flexible;


  • Experience or stated interest or knowledge about ageing issues;
  • Experience/knowledge of ophthalmology and non-communicable diseases;

Skills and Abilities:


  • In-depth local knowledge and experience of Nepal’s health system, multi-stakeholder coordination and consultation for organising health/medical camps;
  • Excellent spoken and written English and Nepali and the ability to communicate well in public forums, especially in local rural communities;


  • Competent IT skills, including MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access and MS PowerPoint;

Others requirement:

  • Prepare monthly time sheet, progress report and submit in timely manner
  • Meet all the organizational compliances and follow organizational core values and policies.

This Job Description is intended as a guide and should not be viewed as an inflexible specification as it may be varied from time to time in light of the organization work. The post holder will be expected to demonstrate high level of efficient and effective working skills to perform the responsibilities.

Interested candidates can send in their updated CV along with their application letter to by 12 February, 2016.


Category Development and Project
Openings 1
Salary Rs. 0 / Hour
Experience 2+ years
Education Please check vacancy details
Posted Date 05 Feb, 2016
Apply Before 12 Feb, 2016
City Kavre