Vendor Listing
Rural Development and Empowerment Center (RUDEC), Nepal, is a non-profit, non-political, and non-governmental organization established in 1998 A.D. (2054 B.S.) and registered at the District Administration Office (DAO) in Nuwakot. It is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council, NGO Federation Nepal, and NGO Coordination Committee. RUDEC is the first pioneering NGO registered in the Nuwakot district, with a well-established logistic management system based in Bidur Municipality, Nuwakot. RUDEC was founded to utilize local resources wisely while enhancing the capacity of local people, ensuring livelihood improvement opportunities for poor, deprived, and destitute community members, especially women, children, marginalized, and vulnerable populations in Nuwakot and surrounding districts. Since its inception, RUDEC has been implementing integrated development and humanitarian activities across various sectors, including Education, Health, Child Rights, Food Security, Rural Infrastructure Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, Renewable Energy, Environment, Agriculture, Natural Resources Management, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Human Rights, Peace, and Democracy. These efforts aim to improve the socio-economic and health conditions of the most deprived and disadvantaged people.
Details / requirements:
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Category | |
Posted Date | 16 Aug, 2024 |
Apply Before | 16 Sep, 2024 |
City |