Request for Prposal for AKC training


Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference (ToR)

“Strengthen the capacity of Agriculture Knowledge Centre (AKC) and Veterinary Hospital and Livestock Service Centre (VHLEC) (Koshi and Sudurpaschim Provinces) and agri-stakeholders/private entity in Climate Change”


Consultancy firm


Kathmandu with field visit to Koshi and Sudurpaschim province


Resilience and Environment/SCALA

Additional Category

Resilience and Climate Change

Starting Date:

1 June 2024

Ending Date:

30 October 2024 (30 working days spread over 150 days) with field missions


Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and National Adaptation Plans (NAP) (SCALA) supports transformative climate action in the land use and agriculture sectors to reduce GHG emissions and/or enhance removals, as well as strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change in participant countries (12 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America). Its specific objective is for countries to have translated their NDC and/or NAP into actionable and transformative climate solutions in land use and agriculture with multi-stakeholder engagement. It emphasizes collaboration between the public and private sectors to drive implementation. This will be achieved through three outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Information and assessments used by national stakeholders to identify and appraise transformative climate actions to advance NDC/NAP priorities in land -use and agriculture.
  • Outcome 2: Climate risk-informed land use and agriculture sector priorities integrated into national and sectoral planning, budgeting, and monitoring.
  • Outcome 3: Private sector engagement in climate action in land-use and agriculture increased.

SCALA is jointly implemented by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) until 2025. The project taps into technical knowledge and experience of both agencies, working through the respective Regional Offices, Regional Centres of Expertise and Country Offices in support of country programming frameworks. Both agencies have substantial global, regional, and national initiatives which will be leveraged for knowledge exchange and complementary activities.

In Nepal, SCALA is implemented by Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock development (MoALD) with technical support from FAO and UNDP in Nepal. At the provincial and local levels, provincial agriculture ministry, agriculture knowledge centers, district livestock promotion centers, agriculture cooperatives, local diary centers and famers associations will be the major stakeholders. SCALA Nepal envisions to enable the achievement of actionable AFOLU targets in the NDC implementation plan, and the agriculture and food security sector’s climate actions in the 2021 NAP through transformative climate solutions for rice, cattle and selected commodities1

The adoption of federalism in Nepal since 2017 has led to significant changes in the governance and implementation of agriculture extension services and agricultural development. The devolution of authority has resulted in exclusive rights for local governments over agriculture extension services, while agriculture is under the concurrent jurisdiction of all federal, provincial, and local governments2

This restructuring has led to various transformations in the agricultural offices at the district level. In most provinces, the District Agriculture Development Office (DADO) has been reformed into an Agriculture Knowledge Center (AKC) under the provincial ministry. AKCs are responsible for disseminating agricultural innovations and facilitating supply chains among farmers. They also play a vital role in implementing provincial policies through effective planning and budgeting. For exception, In the Karnali province, the district-level office responsible for agriculture development is referred to as the Agriculture Development Office (ADO)3

There is a total of 69 AKC established in 7 provinces of Nepal.

Click on the link below to download detailed TOR:

56330462_Terms of Reference_AKC training

Deadline: 30th April 2024

For additional information and documents and for further application procedures, click on the link below:

Procurement | United Nations Development Programme (


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 16 Apr, 2024
Apply Before 30 Apr, 2024
City Lalitpur