Freelance Content Writer


SERPner is a digital marketing company that helps the company to scale and grow. We are a digital marketing company for busy founders and product owners. We also own and operate various blogs in different niches.

Details / requirements:

Are you a passionate writer or want to build a career in writing? 

Keep reading.

Earth and Human is looking for content writers to be a part of our content team for our sister website. 

You will be working directly with the founder, editorial, and marketing team. As such, you will participate in building world-class blogs from Nepal.

What does EarthandHuman do?

We create evergreen content that is read by thousands of readers every day.

We also have different sister blogs in different niches. You will be working on the pros and cons blog.

Why do you love working with us?

When you join our team, these are some of the perks that you get:

  • Fun and friendly people to work with
  • Work from anywhere
  • Flexible working hour

What will you be responsible for?

You will be responsible for doing online research and writing content in the text. But it isn’t as easy as it looks. You will need to:

  •  Engage readers using copy-writing techniques. The content you write should be so good that readers won’t feel bored reading even 2,000 words articles. 
  •  Implement SEO techniques so that the articles perform well in search engines. We will provide you with training and crystal clear guidelines to perform the task.

Below are some examples of writing styles:


How qualified should you be?

  • You must be excellent in the English language and passionate about English writing
  • You must be self-driven, motivated, and have the desire to learn and grow.
  • You have a degree in Environment Science (Optional)

(Lack of degree and experience will not be an issue for us as long as you are passionate about writing and can prove that you will be good at what you do).

Wait! Before sending your CV to us, make sure:

At least three of the following profiles matches you:

  • I enjoy reading English fiction or nonfiction.
  • I am creative and detail-oriented when it comes to English literature.
  • I am a member of the Grammar Police and constantly get into arguments with people because of it.
  • I spend a lot of time on the internet reading and watching videos.
  • I don’t want to pursue a career in the field in which I’ve done my Bachelor’s or Master’s because my interest lies in creative writing
  • I earn a decent wage but hate my current job and work environment. I want to work in a place with bright people, no politics, and where I will get to enhance my writing skills.
  • I love doing research and can write about a topic and own it.
  • I meditate or practice yoga.
  • I want to make an excellent career in writing. 

Ready to Apply?

If the posted vacancy appeals to you and matches your interest,  apply via this link Then send an email to Tell us about your passion for reading and writing and why you would be the perfect candidate for the job.

We’ll take it from there.


Category Content Writing
Openings 5
Salary Rs. /
Position Type Contract
Position Level Junior Level
Experience 1+ years
Posted Date 28 Nov, 2021
Apply Before 27 Dec, 2021
City Kathmandu