Terms of Reference (ToR) for External Evaluation

Islamic Relief Nepal

Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference (ToR) for

External Evaluation 

Equal and Just Society by Reducing Gender-Based Violence in Rautahat District

1. Background

Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) is an independent humanitarian and development organization that has been serving humanity for more than 35 years. With an active presence in over 40 countries across the globe, IR strives to make the world a better and fairer place for the three billion people still living in poverty. Since 1984, IRW has helped millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Inspired by the Islamic faith and guided by Islamic values, IRW believes that people with wealth have a duty to those less fortunate – regardless of race, political affiliation, gender, or belief. IRW is affiliated in Social Welfare Council as an International Non-Government Organization.

IRW projects provide poor people with access to vital services and protect communities, women and children from/during disasters and deliver life-saving emergency aid. It provides lasting routes out of poverty and empowers vulnerable people to transform their lives and their communities. IRW supported local partners immediately after the Gorkha Earthquake 2015 to address the Emergency and recovery needs of the most affected population. IRW is presently working through local implementing partners in Rautahat, Rasuwa, Kapilvastu, and Rupandehi districts.

Islamic Relief (IR) Nepal has been implementing protection sector-specific intervention in Rautahat district through a local implementing partner- Rural Development Centre (RDC) Nepal. This intervention- Equal and Just Society by Reducing Gender-Based Violence in Rautahat District was launched in February 2020 and targets two municipalities (Rajpur and Rajdevi) of Rautahat. The intervention aims to reduce Gender-Based Violence (GBV) through the engagement with GBV survivors and those identified and assessed as at risk of GBV in two target municipalities of the district.

For the achievement of the broader project goal, the project is understanding, assessing, and addressing the root cause of the GBV and its multiple dimensions. On the other hand, it empowers women and girls to realize their status caused due to equal power dynamics and the stereotypical social norms and discrimination based on gender. The project is applying a community-based approach that engages community-based organizations and networks including learning and protection centers, mother’s group/youth, children clubs, faith leaders and schools. The project is supporting to initiate the gender-sensitive approach and is making champions among religious leaders, women, youths, and children to disseminate the messages on gender quality and rights. The project is supporting establishing a robust and active referral mechanism and is arranging the emergency fund support for the urgent and extreme GBV cases for medical treatment and other urgent needs. The project is providing need-based protection (on/off-farm livelihood, education, health, psychosocial counselling) support to the identified and assessed GBV cases that eventually result in the improvement of the socio-economic status and empowers them to withstand the incidents violence and the sufferings.

IR considers evaluation as an integral part of the implementation of interventions on the ground. This project will go through two independent evaluations (Endline and End of Project evaluations). Thus, this TOR sets out the responsibilities of the consultant to design and carry out project endline and end of project evaluation in different communities where project activities are implemented in Rautahat district. The evaluation will focus on the assessment of the implemented activities and whether the activities lead to the achievement of the planned results as well as to the project objectives. As a result of this evaluation, recommendations from the evaluator/s are expected to improve the quality of ongoing and future projects.

2. Summary Table

Project name

Equal and Just Society by Reducing Gender-Based Violence in Rautahat District

Thematic area

Protection (Gender-Based Violence

Project start and end date

1 February 2020 to 31 August 2022

Donor name

Islamic Relief Canada

Funding agency/technical support from

Islamic Relief Nepal

Local implementing partner

Rural Development Centre (RDC)- Nepal

Target district/Municipalities

Rautahat district/ (Rajpur and Rajdevi) municipalities

-Rajpur- 4 wards (2,4,6,7 and 9)

-Rajdevi-5 wards (1,2,3, and 9)

Target groups (beneficiaries)

-GBV survivors (women and girls) and those at risk of GBV 

-Women, men, girls, and boys from communities of target municipalities of Rautahat

Overall goal of the project

To reduce incidents of gender-based violence among individuals, primarily women and girls in Rautahat district, Nepal

  • 60 % of targeted beneficiaries with the knowledge of communicating at least three measures to address GBV.
  • 20 % increment in annual income of vulnerable women and girls engaged in project supported livelihood activities.
  • Municipality have 1 established functional referral mechanism to address GBV.
  • 20 % increment in number of GBV cases registered and addressed.

Expected results

R1- Increased knowledge, awareness, and skills of community members on addressing GBV issues

  • 5000 people reached through awareness campaigns
  • 70% of target population considers that GBV is as a punishable act
  • 200 women and girls trained on self-defence technique
  • 85% of participants trained on self-defense agreeing on GBV is intolerable 
  • 8 issue-based articles and news stories published by local media on GBV and referral mechanism
  • 200 people that include at-risk individuals, influencers- religious leaders, teachers, women led cooperative members, youth club, child club, mens’ group, mother groups, and other stakeholders- local government authorities, security force trained on gender-based violence and aware about referral mechanism and their rights and entitlements.

R2-GBV survivors and at-risk population in Rautahat district are economically empowered

  • 80 GBV survivors/at risk individuals provided need-based support based on case management (vocational trainings, livelihood support, education, health, psychosocial support)
  • 1 GBV survivors network established as social support system
  • 80% of GBV survivors/ at risk individuals successfully completed vocational training courses 
  • 90% of GBV survivors/at risk individuals consider that vocational training will help them withstand the GBV
  • 12 staff trained on psychosocial well-being and self-care
  • 15 toilet/bathing cubicle constructed focussing GBV survivors

R3- Strengthened institutional systems to address GBV cases

  • 100 local government authorities, religious leaders, security force, women group leaders, teachers trained on establishing and strengthening referral mechanism and alert system
  • 1 community level action plan prepared in coordination with security force and local government
  • 80 GBV cases registered and successfully handled to meaningful resolution
  • 50 security force, women cell personnel, local government representative trained on GBV case management
  • 95% of the trained security force, women cell personnel, local government personnel accept GBV is an inhuman act, and it can be controllable  
  • 50 health service providers trained on GBV awareness

Main activities

For R1-

  • Design and publish of IEC and PSA; door to door campaign/community sessions on GBV.
  • Develop and publish a GBV and human rights training curriculum. 
  • Formation/activation of school child club/groups, community youth groups, women groups, and mens' groups and organize their bi-monthly meetings. 
  • Day Celebration (national and international on GBV and protection issues)
  • Street drama/community theatre at community and schools; organizing awareness campaign during 16 days of activism against GBV.
  • Orientation on Gender-Based Violence, legal instruments and referral mechanism for individuals and CBO’s (child clubs, women, youth groups, and mens' groups). 
  • Training on self-defense techniques to women and girls at school and community. 
  • Training on GBV issues, associated socio-economic factors and legal instruments to address GBV through effective media reporting and provide media fellowship.

For R2- 

  • Identification and assessment of GBV survivors /at risks women, adolescents, and girls
  • Establishment of community learning and protection center (CLPC); formation of beneficiaries Support Group. 
  • Organize weekly discussion and sharing session on GBV, Sexual and Reproductive Health and other protection issues in CLPCs.
  • Case management and need-based Support (Vocational Training/Education/ Livelihood/ PSS) to GBV survivors/at-risk beneficiaries. 
  • Sessions on business, additional reach and opportunities, financial literacy classes to adapt livelihood options.
  • Capacity building (training, orientation, exposure, linkages as per need assessment) to the selected-on farm/non-farm based HHs.
  • Training on psychosocial well-being and self-care to the project staff.
  • Management of the emergency fund; emergency support (medical, legal, and other costs) to extremely serious protection cases.

For R3- 

  • Training on Case Management System and psycho-social counselling to address and respond cases of GBV. 
  • Training to local representative, personnel from security forces, women cell for the effective case management system, psycho-social counselling to address and respond GBV cases. 
  • Training to local representatives, security forces and women cell on data management and reporting mechanism. 
  • Training to health service providers on GBV awareness; consultation with stakeholders in activation of existing Networks and Alliances for meaningful engagement against GBV and other protection issues. 
  • Consultation meetings to develop advocacy plan in collaboration with likeminded organizations and communities. 
  • Support to develop and implement community-level action plans to reduce GBV cases.
  • Organize community-level discussion forums, para-legal aid, health, and psycho-social camp on GBV issues in collaboration with security force and local government. 
  • Support in establishment/resume of functional and capacitated community alert and referral mechanisms at the local level.

3. Scope of Evaluation 

The objective of current Terms of Reference (ToR) is to deliver the Endline study and End of Project Evaluation of the project “Equal and Just Society by Reducing Gender-Based Violence in Rautahat District” implemented by RDC as a local partner.

The baseline study of the project was carried out in December 2021 on total of 367 Households that are included in the project municipalities (Rajpur and Rajdevi). Over the period of 24-month project have worked for increasing the knowledge, awareness, and skills of community members in addressing GBV issues. Similarly, the project has intervened in the targeted areas for GBV survivors and at-risk population to be economically empowered. And to strengthen the institutional systems to address GBV cases.

The specific objectives of this endline study are to:

  • To establish a final value for the project in line with the project log frame in the project area. 
  • To create an endline value for measuring outcomes of the project
  • Gather endline KAP information against baseline on gender-based violence issues, status, and skills in the communities and among the relevant local government
    • Incorporate gender analysis in each component of the study.

The evaluation will apply the DAC criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, Timeliness, and sustainability.

  • Evaluate the project’s theory of change (ToC); its relevance to the overall country strategy; the appropriateness of its planned objectives in terms of funding and duration of the intervention; and its appropriateness of project design, intervention and needs of the beneficiaries.  
  • To assess the effectiveness and relevance of projects interventions, outputs, and results
  • To assess the key effects /outcomes of the project; Provide evidence of the achievements of this project in terms of both the positive and negative, intended, and unintended, and the primary and secondary effects of the programme, alongside any direct or indirect contributions to any systemic change.
  • Assess the key innovations used in the project and their impact, whether positive or negative, upon the delivery of project deliverables.
  • To assess the effectiveness of accountability systems and the functionality of complaint response mechanism in the targeted communities
  • Document lessons learned and developed clear and actionable recommendations for adoption and integration into any similar future development related projects within the region and elsewhere.

4. Focus of the Evaluation

The end of project external evaluation aligning to DAC criteria should broadly consider but not be limited to the following questions to discuss, provide conclusions and recommendations.

Relevance: (Assess the design and Focus of the Project)

  • Was the project designed in a way that is relevant to reaching its goals?
  • To what extent the implemented activities were relevant to the need of the people targeted by the project?
  • Was the project relevant in terms of context, urgency, timeframe, local and national realities and priorities and resources used by the project to achieve the project goal?

Effectiveness: (Processes and their appropriateness in supporting project delivery)

  • To which degree did the activities meet the objectives and results set out in the project (as outlined in the logical framework)?
  • What are the intended and unintended, primary, and secondary effects produced by the intervention?
  • How useful are Community Learning and Protection Centers to beneficiaries established and operated at the community level?
  • What were the perceived shifts in knowledge, attitude and behavior related to program messaging in the target community (among women, men, girls, and boys)?
  • Did the project/activities meet relevant needs of the beneficiaries to address the GBV issues? And what was the result?
  • To what extent that project monitoring and evaluation mechanisms contribute to achieving the project result? 
  • How effective were the tools and strategies used in the implementation of the project?
  • What are the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of outcomes?

Efficiency: (Project Implementation)

  • Was the project run in an efficient way?
  • Was the process to achieve results was efficient? Were the resources effectively utilized?
  • Did the project justify value for money with each activity?
  • Were the project activities carried out in a timely manner and objectives achieved on time?
  • Were there any factors that reduced/enhanced the efficiency during implementation?
  • How can the project of similar nature enhance its efficiency to meet its objective? 
  • Could different approaches to project implementation have produced better results?
  • What was the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats of the project implementation process?


  • Were the project design and interventions timely in responding to the needs on the ground?
  • Were, the activities timely implemented in comparison to project planning?
  • Were funds available in time during the implementation of the activities to respond to new developments,
  • To what extent did the collaboration between Islamic Relief Nepal and local government (Municipalities and wards) and other stakeholders contribute to the efficient and timely coordination of activities and processes?


  • What is the extent that the benefits of the projects are likely to be sustained after completion of the project? Are the positive effects and impacts sustainable?
  • Will the changes caused by the project continue beyond the life of the program and how?
  • What are the potential opportunities and cautions for replicating the project in other communities?
  • How effective were the exit strategies and approaches to phase out assistance by the project?
  • What are the factors that contributed to or hindered in the sustainability of the project actions?


  • What has happened because of the project?
  • What real difference has the activity made to the beneficiaries?
  • How has the project contributed to addressing the GBV issue in the Rajpur and Rajdevi municipalities of Rautahat?

Additional specific criteria should also be assessed using the following key questions:

Gender and disability considerations:

  • How has the project considered gender aspects both in the project design and its implementation of activities? 
  • How has the project considered disability issues both in the project design and its implementation of activities? 
  • Were the needs of children and youth with disabilities met? 
  • What are the gender gaps that the project managed to tackle and what remaining aspects need to be considered further?

Child rights and child safe programming: 

  • Has the programmatic activity been designed, planned, implemented, and monitored to ensure it is safe for children and youth? 
  • How has the project approached accountability to beneficiaries (i.e. consultations with children/youth, information sharing, child/youth friendly feedback and complaints mechanisms, etc.)?

Core Humanitarian Standard Commitments:

  • Are the staffs supported to do their job effectively, and are treated fairly and equitably?
  • Has the project learned, innovate, and implement changes based on monitoring and evaluation, and feedback and complaints received?
  • Are the complaints and safeguarding issues are responded to in a timely, fair, and appropriate manner that prioritizes the safety of the complainant and those affected at all stages?

5. Methodology of the Evaluation (Endline Study and End of Project Evaluation)

The endline study should employ both qualitative and quantitative approach. Review of relevant secondary data shall be an integral part of the study and should be reflected wherever possible in the report. The study design should align with the project log frame and should have a comparative analysis of the endline value with the baseline reference value. This study must measure and establish an endline value of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) on GBV among the government authorities, municipalities/elected representatives, and different community networks (child clubs, youth groups, women groups, men’s groups). Focused group discussion and Key informant interview (KII) with relevant stakeholder should be conducted. The gender analysis should be incorporated in each component of the study and that should be reflected in the final report. The baseline study report will be provided by IRW-Nepal.

The end of Project evaluation should be carried out based on a desk study and a field visit. The consultant will undertake a comprehensive desk review of the existing project literature. The literature review will include but not limited to the project proposal, logical framework, interim/periodic reports, baseline, endline study reports, case studies, beneficiary’s database and other relevant documents and reports prepared by IRW- Nepal and its partner. The IRW- Nepal will provide all relevant key project documents for the comprehensive desk review.

Based on the literature review the consultant will develop the methodology for primary data collection for both the endline study and end of project evaluation. For primary data collection, the consultant will engage in the field and collect data from project beneficiaries, and other stakeholders as specified in the indicative schedule. 

6. Deliverables

All deliverables are to be submitted to Islamic Relief Nepal in both electronic and hard copy format. Deliverables include:

i. An inception report, to be submitted one week after the agreement, explaining the methodologies, data collection and reporting plans with draft data collection tools such as interview (KII), FGD guides, a timeframe with fixed dates for deliverables for both endline study and end of project evaluation. (The reference of the baseline study data collection tools to be taken for the endline study)

ii. A final report (combined or separate) to be submitted at the end of the evaluation with a maximum extension of 40 A4 size pages excluding annexes.

7. Indicative Schedule 

The consultancy will last 4 weeks, and it is expected to be carried out during 1 July – 1 August 2022 (tentative). The selection and contractual procedures will complete by mid of June 2022. The tentative schedule is as follows:

  • Week 1: Desk review of core documents; drafting and validation of the inception report with detail work plan, checklists, tools, and questionnaires. Enumerators’ orientation after the approval of tools and inception report.
  • Weeks 2-3: Field visits to project sites; interviews with project staff, beneficiaries, and relevant stakeholders (Ward offices, Municipalities, OCMC, Police/women cell, media personnel, health staff, religious leaders). Focus group discussions (FGDs) with members of women groups, youth groups, child groups/clubs, men’s groups and beneficiaries from Community Learning and Protection Centers (CLPC). 
  • Weeks 3-4: Drafting of the final report (final version to be submitted no later than 10 August 2022).

8. Quality and Ethical Standards 

During the evaluation, it should take all reasonable steps to ensure evaluation is designed and conducted to respect and protect the dignity, rights and welfare of the people, communities, stakeholders, and authorities involved and to ensure that the evaluation is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted transparently and impartially, and with full accountability.

The consultant will sign and adhere to the Islamic Relief’s safeguarding and protection against exploitation and sexual abuse (PESA) code of conduct.

The study standards are:

i. Utility: The evaluation product must be useful as an organizational learning. 

ii. Feasibility: Evaluation must be realistic, diplomatic, and managed in a sensible, cost-effective manner.

iii. Ethics & Legality: Evaluation must be conducted ethically and legally, with regard for the welfare of those involved in and affected by the evaluation.

iv. Impartiality: Evaluation should be impartial, providing a comprehensive and unbiased assessment that considers the views of all stakeholders

v. Transparency: Evaluation activities should reflect an attitude of openness and transparency.

vi. Accuracy: Evaluation should be technically accurate, providing enough information, analysis, and interpretation.

vii. Participation: Stakeholders should be consulted and meaningfully involved in the evaluation process when feasible and appropriate.

viii. Collaboration: During the evaluation, collaboration at different levels is expected. This will later improve the legitimacy and utility of the study.

ix. Consent: Taking formal consent of all the responders is must during the evaluation.

9. Evaluation Team

The Evaluation Team is expected to:

  • Be composed of a team leader with documented extensive experience on similar evaluations of development projects in the field of child protection, women empowerment, human rights, and disabilities.
  • Have extensive experience in conducting endline study and external evaluations in the context of cooperation for development and a proven record of delivering professional results.
  • Have sound knowledge of evaluation and data-collection methods.
  • Be able to communicate effectively in Nepali and English.
  • Have previous working experience in Terai (Madesh Province).

10. Proposal Evaluation 

The technical and financial proposals will be evaluated separately and have 70% and 30% scores respectively. The proposals evaluation is based on the given criteria





Technical Proposal



Understanding of Terms of Reference and Scope of Work



Proposed Methodology, approach, data analysis strategy and timeline






Quality of the sample report (Endline and Evaluation)



Financial Proposal (value for Money)




11. Application Procedure

Interested candidates, firms and agencies are mandatory to submit the following documents by 20 May 2022 with the subject REF: Endline and End of Project Evaluation-EJSR-GBV to Info. Nepal@irworldwide.org

i) Letter of motivation (7pages max.) indicating

  • The consultants’ suitability for the assignment and match with previous work experience, qualifications etc.
  • How the team will be composed and the division of work between team members.
  • Discussion of the work methodology it will use.
  • Draft work plan and suggested timetable.
  • Economic offer and budget break down.

ii) Professional profile of the evaluating team/ company (CV of least lead consultant/team leader of consultancy team)

iii) A copy of previous evaluation report on the similar issue

For firms/agencies following additional documents must be submitted:

  • Valid certificate of company registration
  • Valid copy of tax registration certificate
  • Tax clearance certificate

Islamic Relief Worldwide, Country Office Nepal

House no. 482, Kumaripati-5 (Near United Academy)

Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepal

Contact no: +977 1 5537610


Category Development and Project
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details below.
Education Please check details below.
Posted Date 02 May, 2022
Apply Before 20 May, 2022
City Lalitpur