Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy to support LGs to identify disaster risks and to develop school-based preparedness and Risk-Informed School Improvement Plans
CDM-Nepal is a leading non-governmental development and humanitarian organisation of Province 5 of Nepal. Established in 2000 in Butwal, CDM-Nepal has worked in DRM, CCA, WASH, livelihood and GBV. CDM’s programmes have historically been targeted at underprivileged women and children. Origins of CDM-Nepal CDM-Nepal’s origin can be traced back to 1993, the year Rupandehi district experienced one of the devastating floods in its history. Having seen the havoc brought by the disaster, a group of local development professionals joined hands to informally set up “Save the Environment and Rural Development Institute (SERDI)”, which later became CDM-Nepal during official registration in 2000. Vision Our vision is to make just, equitable, peaceful, prosperous and disaster-resilient society for all citizens of Nepal. Mission Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families in the poorest, vulnerable, socially excluded and marginalised communities of Nepal. Objectives Reduce – Contribute to substantially reduce disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries IMPROVE – Improve socio-economic status of the poor, marginalized and vulnerable sections of the community by implementing risk-informed, gender-responsive and inclusive livelihood improvement, health, WASH and education programmes with a rights-based perspective PARTNERSHIP – Partner with local governments and civil society organisations for programme design, implementation and evaluation LEARNING – Generate learning through applied research on relevant socio-economic, climate, disaster and environmental issues and utilise learning for advocacy and also utilise for organisational development GOVERNANCE – Advocate and campaign at the local, province and national levels to address the root causes of development challenges
Details / requirements:
Terms of Reference in support of MISEREOR/KZE and Local Governments
Community Resilience Programme - Phase III
3.2.5 Support Local Governments to identify disaster risks (with a focus on wards/community and schools) and develop School Based Preparedness and risk-informed School Improvement Plan by mobilizing local disaster management committees adjoining rivers including bioengineering measures
CDM-Nepal is a national leading non-governmental development and humanitarian organization. Established in 2000 in Rupandehi, CDM-Nepal has worked in disaster risk reduction, climate action, water sanitation and hygiene promotion, livelihoods and gender equity and social inclusion including gender-based violence. CDM’s target beneficiaries include marginalized women, children, youth and vulnerable communities. CDM worked in Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu, Arghakhachi, Gulmi, Palpa, Okhaldhunga, Doti, Dadeldhura, Baitadi, Kathmandu and Achham Districts.
CDM-Nepal was registered with the District Administration Office of Rupandehi in 16 May 2000 with registration number 466-057/058. It is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal Government in 2000 with registration number 11639/057. Since its establishment, it has become a member of NGO Federation Nepal, National Disaster Preparedness Network (DPNet) Nepal since 2008 and a founding member of National Network of Community Disaster and Climate Risk Management Committee (NCDMC). District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) of Rupandehi district has selected CDM-Nepal as the current District Lead Support Agency (DLSA) of Rupandehi district. Since 2017, CDM-Nepal has been providing technical and other support to Lumbini Provincial Government as Province Lead Support Agency (PLSA).
Introduction about the Consultancy:
Climate Change Adaptation, Promotion of Green Economy are the integral part of capacity enhancement of CDM/KZE/MISEREOR’s Community Resilience Programme. It intends to coordinate and collaborate with local governments and other community actors such as CBOs, Users Committee, schoolteachers, youth center, child club (environment management subcommittee) who can play a pivotal role on environment friendly initiatives at local government and community levels. To develop them as climate champions to drive climate agenda through public awareness and capacity development is the need of the era when climate change has huge effects on lives, and livelihoods of people affected by climate change (PICC) and gender-based discrimination.
Nepal is one of the world’s forty-eight least developed countries and such poor socio-economic conditions make the country extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. According to a study conducted by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) on climate trend analysis (2017), the annual maximum temperature trend is increasing by 0.056°C/year and Nepal’s annual average precipitation has declined by 1.3 mm per year over the observed period (i.e., 1971-2014). As per the German Watch Report, Nepal ranked 12th in the Global Climate Risk Index in 2019, and 10th in the period 2000-2019. A rapidly changing climate in Nepal, including in the proposed districts (Rupandehi and Nawalparasi) has led to a range of adverse impacts on the socio-economic, natural, and physical environment. The climate crisis has a devastating impact on women, youth and children’s learning, safety, and wellbeing, destroys livelihood options, education services and household food security and income, forcing youth to migrate other countries and children to drop out of school to support their family with domestic duties or work.
In this connection, this consultancy is therefore, proposed to identify disaster risks (with a focus on wards/community and schools) and support Palikas to develop school-based preparedness plans and risk-informed school improvement plan by mobilizing local disaster management committees and communities in Suddhodhan Rural Municipality of Rupandehi District.
Objective of the Consultancy:
The objective of this assignment is to enhance capacity of LDMC to develop and implement risk-informed School Development Plan (risk-informed SDP). Specific objectives include-
Identify high-risk wards and schools jointly with Palika /ward members
Facilitate organizing a two day workshop with LDMC members to identify school based preparedness and risk informed school improvement plan
Prepare and submit School based Preparedness Plan and risk-informed school improvement plan in Nepali and final assignment completion report in English
Scope of work for the consultant/ trainer/facilitator (Deliverables)
The consultant /trainer/facilitator is responsible for the following deliverables:
Identification of high-risk wards and schools with respect to floods, river cutting and earthquake
Facilitation of a two-day workshop with municipal assembly members on school preparedness plan and integrating DRR and climate action in SIP
Preparation and submission of school-based preparedness and risk-informed SIP in Nepali as guideline for schools in Suddhodhan Rural municipality
Submission of the assignment completion reports in English.
Targeted Location(s):
Suddhodhan Rural Municipality of Rupandehi District.
Participants against deliverables
Sub activities
| Methodology | Expected results
Identify high-risk wards and schools jointly with Palika /ward members in relation to floods, river cutting and earthquake
| Mapping of tole/community and schools with ward committee members
- Consultation with Ward Committee Members and community leaders
| Identified risk ranking of community and schools |
Facilitation of a two-day workshop with municipal assembly members on school preparedness plan and integrating DRR and climate action in SIP | All Ward Chairpersons -7 Karyapalika members- 3 Technical officers – DRR, Environment, Education, Planning, Coordination, and other relevant technical officers -7 Focal persons – 2 Principals of all targeted school – 20 Chairperson, Vice chairperson, CAO -3 Total – 45 nos | Day-1: risk wards are shared and validated Inputs for school based disaster preparedness plans developed including risk and risk reduction measures are identified and suggested
Day-II: DRR and climate action and environment integrated in School Improvement Plan, developed as a reference for schools
Expected results: all targeted schools revise SIP integrated DRR, environment and climate change and allocate resources to improve learning environment, zero plastic and environment friendly green school based on MOEST's Green School Framework, 2075 (e.g., plantation, greenery…) |
Preparation and submission of school based preparedness and risk-informed SIP in Nepali as guideline for schools in Suddhodhan Rural municipality | Validation in meeting with Palika body | Validated plans (school based preparedness and risk-informed SIP) reviewed and submitted in Nepali and assignment completion report in English |
Development and submission of a school preparedness plan (15 pager maximum) and risk-informed School Development Plan (20 pager maximum) in Nepali
A report on a two-day workshop on school preparedness, risk-informed SIP in English
An analytical list of schools and wards ranked as vulnerable to climate crisis with respect to floods, river cutting and earthquake in Nepali
Submission of the assignment completion report in English
Deliverables | Time plan |
An analytical list of risk mapping of schools and wards /communities to climate crisis such as floods in Nepali | By 15 February 2025 |
A report on a two-day workshop in English | By 20 February 2025 |
Development of i) a risk-informed School Development Plan, and ii) school preparedness plan in Nepali,
| By 10 March 2025 |
Submission of the assignment completion report in English | By 12 March 2025 |
Payment schedule:
The project will pay in two installments:
30% payment will be made upon signing of the contract
70% payment will be made upon the submission of all deliverables including the assignment completion report
The training report should include all the documents and materials related to the assignment, training and workshop.
Note: CDM staff/SMO will oversee field assessment and support in facilitation of a 2-day workshop.
Qualifications/requirements of the trainer:
At least 5 years of experience in Safer School Programme/ Comprehensive School Safety
Experience in conducting facilitation in training/workshop integrating DRR in SIP
Excellent communication, facilitation, and motivation skills.
Master’s degree in Education, Disaster management, Social Science, Social Work, Rural Development, Engineering, Environment Science, and/or any other relevant disciplines.
Application Process:
The potential resource persons /consultants /consulting firms shall submit their proposal with the following documents by 31st January 2025 by 8 PM to the email: info@cdmnepal.org with the subject line: "CDM_School PP & risk-informed SIP plan"
Selection Criteria:
The project will select consultant/s based on the technical as well as financial proposal, team composition, training content, its ingenuity, practical application, and the competence of the trainers/facilitators.
A technical proposal with a detailed response to the TORs, with a specific focus on the scope of work, and methodology. A detailed workshop/training course content and methods to be included. Acceptable file format (eg, word or pdf) (30 points)
CVs of the consultant/s to understand competencies of the consultant/s (25 points)
Evidence of similar reports and references from the consultants/ organization (s) for whom that work contracted. (15 points)
The financial proposal should include a detailed budget proposal breakdown of what cost covers inclusive of relevant taxes where applicable. Acceptable file format (eg, excel or pdf) (30 points)
VAT/ PAN registration documents, latest tax clearance document and tax exemption document if any.
Centre for Development and Disaster Management (CDM-Nepal)
Siddharthanagar, Bhairahawa, Nepal
Contact: 071-410224
Email: info@cdmnepal.org
Category | Environment and Natural Resource, Research, Development / NGO, Development / INGO, NGO/INGO/Social work, Environment and climate |
Openings | 1 |
Position Type | Contract |
Position Level | Senior Level |
Experience | 5+ years |
Education | M. Ed. (Education), M.S.W. (Masters in Social Work), B.E. in Environment, Master’s degree in Environmental Science, Bachelor's Degree in Humanities/Social Work/Education, Social Science, Environment, Engineering, Social Work, Agriculture |
Posted Date | 22 Jan, 2025 |
Apply Before | 31 Jan, 2025 |
City | Rupandehi |